#1984Wrestling Wars Two AWA house show bouts from Winnipeg, A NJPW bout,. All from 4/19/84

Two AWA house show matches from Winnipeg.
     Match #1 Billy Robinson vs Brad Rheingans. Joined in Progress.... The 5:20 clip of this match we get is good, it is all action and Lord knows these two guys can mat wrestle you to a pulp! 
     As we join it Robinson is working on Rheingans neck snaping it down over the top rope. Rheingans hits a headbutt to Robinson's mid-section and hits a piledriver(the crowd popped big) for a two count! Brad hits a reverse neckbreaker but the old veteran counters a backdrop attempt by pulling up short and hitting a teeth rattling forearm.
     This one is back and forth as the Appleton Minn native hits an atomic drop that sends Robinson bounding out of the ring landing at the feet of his manager Bobby Heenan. Billy climbs back in and soon after for no real reason Rheingans grabs Robinson by the hair and fires him over the top rope! Why? ….Your Winner by DQ Billy Robinson!....Solid 5 minutes here but a very odd out of the blue finish!....https://youtu.be/SODN6_3nC2Q....

Match #2 Nick Bockweinkel vs BlackJack Mulligan.
     As with the previous bout we join this one in progress..... This two had been in the ring with each other thousands of times by 1984, and it shows! They both get every ounce out of everything! They don't have to do much and the crowd is with them, Mulligan forces Bockweinkel to the floor and Nick and Heenan embrace and the crowd hates this cowardly act! Bockweinkel does finally get his "Japanese Sleeper" locked in. The man from Eagle Pass Texas is in the hold for longer than most survive. He breaks it once by smashing Bockweinkel back into the turnbuckles. Nick just slaps it on a second time. The commentators Ken Resnick and Al Derusha are losing their minds at ringside putting over Mulligan's stamina!
     Mulligan breaks the hold again and it becomes a slugfest! Nick goes down and Heenan to save his charge jumps up on the apron. Jack drags him in the ring. Bockweinlel nails Mulligan from behind, Mulligan is now fighting 2-on-1 and the referee calls for the match to be a no contest! Mulligan beats up both heels. At one point he puts Heenan on top of Bockweinkel and counts a pin as if he were the ref! The crowd loves this! Eventually the heels escape and the tough Texan stands in triumph in the ring!
     This was a easy match for these two and the crowd loved it so win/win!...https://youtu.be/ZsjXHjEzHws 

New Japan Pro Wrestling Singles Bout, Antonio Inoki vs Riki Choshu. 4/19/84.... This is no frills pro wrestling right here. The crowd heat and anticipation is incredible. They are so into the match that when Choshu takes Inoki over in a first exchange "Fireman's Carry" the crowd ohhhh's!
     To a pro Wrestling audience in 2020 this may appear to look more like grappling based MMA than Wrestling. Holds and counter position are prized in this battle between these two legends. At four minutes into the match, Inoki puts on a short arm scissor. Choshu finally escapes the hold  after lifting Inoki up with  one arm, a move made popular by Bob Backlund Stateside, Inoki counters this and both men tumble into the ropes forcing a break.
     They once again grapple for position that leads to Inoki hitting an O'Connor roll with a bridge for a near fall.  Choshu manages to get behind his man and hit a high tight back suplex and his lariat. Choshu then attempts to lock in his "Scorpion Death Lock" Submission. He does get the hold applied for a few seconds. However Inoki works his way under Choshu and counters with an ankle pick and a leg bar! This is a stalemate and the referee sees this and forces a break and makes both men stand up. Back to square one!
     The tide turns for good in Inoki's favor when he hits his Enzuigiri kick. A bodyslam then a flying knee from the top rope to the stomach of Choshu. Inoki puts his very dazed for into his Abdominal Stretch lock. Choshu manages to weakly counter once via a hip lock take over. Inoki undaunted hits a second head kick and when Choshu's second sees that he cannot escape the AB Stretch hold a second time, and Knowing Choshu would never concede he throws in the towel ending a epic encounter.....Your Winner Antonio Inoki! As I said earlier this match just feels so different than anything "pro Wrestling" like now it is hard to fathom! I liked this a great deal!...https://dai.ly/x7tsryu....



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