1-1/84 2 WWF squash bouts from St. Louis, AWA title bout,

Match #1 Rocky Johnson & Tony Atlas vs Jerry Valliant and Dennis Stamp(Yes that Dennis Stamp)!......Taped at the famed Chase in St.Louis After Vince took over the KPLR time slot. Very basic tag squash here as the reigning tag champs look ok against 2 upper-mid card job guys! Atlas got the pin after a nice press slam splash combo on Stamp!

#2 Hulk Hogan vs Bill Dixon Hogan wearing his soon to be legendary yellow ensemble! By commentary alone you can tell Hogan is on a rocketship push to the moon! To be fair 95% of the fans cheer like crazy for him! Hogan chain wrestled and did an arm stretcher here did not expect that!

#3 AWA World Title Bout Champion Nick Bockweinkel vs Jerry Lawler Memphis Tenn. In front of 7,829 very loud fans! I will not give a move by move account of this match, it would seem boring in the telling but here are the high points!.... They wrestled for 35- to 40 minutes(14 of them are on Youtube) This was how a classic territory title bout was done! The Champion at 49 years old looks incredible! He was the perfect foil for Lawler's tough never say die "underneath babyface" Nick out wrestles the king early with hammerlocks and a grinding top wristlock. When Lawler fights out of that simple hold the crowd goes bonkers! Jerry gets brief moments on top like when he his a cross body press on Bocweinkel, but on kicking out at the two count he shoves Lawler onto the floor and proceeds to smash his head onto the big wooden announcers/timekeepers table outside! You can hear the "Thwunk" of Lawler taking the table! King after this long beating pulls his famous Popeye routine and pulls down his strap and beats the everloving shit out of Nick! The was a grade a ass whoopin by both here as lawler damn near kills a utterly dead looking champion! The referee tries to stop Lawler from mugging Bocweinkel,in the corner after being thrown down 3 times, and having Nick strike him as well. He declares this almost pitch perfect bout a double DQ!  Lawler covers the champion and counts the pin himself thus setting up a obvious set of rematches! This was territory work at its best as the hometown babyface looks great and the champion keeps the title! Wrestling 101!

Author's note: If you have #NJPWorld there is a very good tag bout on 1/1/84 Riki Choshu/Yoshiaki Yatsu vs Akira Madea/Tatsumi Fujinami! I will not write a review since I cannot find a link for all to see it! 


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