#1984WrestlingWarsBlog, 2 bouts from Mid-Atlantic Wrestling TV 1/21/84, WWF singles bout,122/84, AJPW tag match 1/22/84

Mid-Atlantic Wrestling TV 1/21/84.....Match#1 The Assassins vs Rufus R Jones and Dory Funk JR,(the most random mis-matched tag team ever??) Very basic tv match but good crowd heat After JR makes the "hot"(In the very broadest sense of the term this was more lumbering luke warm tag.) He hits simple shoulder tackles(Johnny Weaver at ringside screams the Freight Train..The Freight Train). Rufus gets double teamed then and throw outside. Where off camera Paul Jones does "something to him..? By the time the camera gets there Paul Jones, the manager of the Assassins,  is smiling walking away and poor Rufus is in a heap on the floor. Meanwhile JR is getting just beat down by a double team in the ring. Out of nowhere Jimmy Valiant hits the ring,a longtime nemesis of Paul Jones army, Chashes Jones around the ring. Then in it, He lays waste to both masked villians then rips the mask off of one of thier heads! Paul Jones grabs this one covers his face with his coat and the heels take leave! All that in 7 minutes!

Match #2 Ric Flair vs Dick Slater This is billed as a World Title Bout! Stater is US Champion.This was a one sided 4 minutes for Flair, Untill Bob Orton shows up at ringside to help his partner Slater. Ref Bump(oh no!) Please read to self in most sarcastic tone, Orton trips Flair, who starts to jawjack with Bob. This allows Slater to plant an elbow to the back of the Nature Boy's neck, then drop another on his chest. He goes for the pin and Orton holds Flair's foot down. The groggy ref (Sonny Fargo if your scoring at home, and if you are why the hell are you reading this right now?) does not  see this underhanded tactic happening at all and counts the Pin!!!... Alas a second ref appears almost out of thin air and the decision is reversed! Then minor chaos happens as Orton punches the 2nd ref in the head and Mark youngblood shows up in the ring with a leg cast and a crutch, Why? you may be asking no damn idea! The 2 heels use the crutch to beat the dog piss out of everybody and leave the ring with the title! A busy 5:18 segment for sure!

WWF Wrestling at the Chase(St. Louis) 1/22/84 Dick Murdoch vs Tony Atlas About as good as a tenmiute tv match good be! Atlas was a tremendous babyface and Dick Murdoch when he wanted to be was one of the great "Workers"of all-time! Murdoch's Partner in the "North-South Conection" Adrian Adonis comes out to ringside pre-match! After a failed cheating ploy by the heels Atlas goes to the back and gets his partner Rocky Johnson! The match itself was very good short but solid action! Finish saw Atlas have Murdoch up in his overhead press slam finish and Adonis runs in and punches Atlas in the gut! Johnson comes in and it is smoz city!

ALL Japan 1/22/84 Jumbo Tsuruta and the Great Kabuki vs Michael Hayes/Terry Gordy This was intense! These four men just beat each other up! Kabuki/Jumbo had the upperhand on Hayes most of the time. Gordy would tag in it would go to the floor and chaos would ensue! (side note all together both teams entrances took 7 minutes, wresting time was around 14 minutes!) Things really got cooking when Gordy sent Kabuki head first into the ringpost and Mr green mist came up bleeding like a stuck pig! Gordy and Hayes then took turns bitting the cut and spiting blood in the air!(I need a shower)! Kabuki hits his cresent kick on Gordy counering a corner charge and goes for the pin Hayes breaks it up and in comes Tsuruta and here we go again! When Gordy goes up top to deliver a blow to Kabuki who is kneeling. Kabuki sprays Terry right in the eyes with green mist! Gordy sells this like a blind in pain crazy man stumbles through the ropes over the safety rail and into the crowd of fast scatering fans! The ref hits the 20 count and the Birds lose via countout in 13:02! This was bonkers....

Tomorrow's blog the 1st half of the card from MSG 1/23/84


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