#1984WrestlingWarsBlog MSG House show 1/23/84 Part 1

MSG House Show 1/23/84 Part 1 Commentators Pat Patterson and Gorilla Monsoon 

Match #1 Tony Garea vs Jose Luis Rivera The opening match in front of a crowd of 26,282 in the garden.(not counting all the folks downstairs at The Felt Forum Watching via Closed Circut)! They tried to give the card a mat based face vs face opener! I gotta be honest it was not the best I have seen fron eithier man! It was clunky and badly timed in spots! There was one nice squence early on. A multiple headlock takeover escape repeat spot that was very good! However there was also a spot Were Garea was going for a backdrop and I assume Rivera got his wires crossed and tried a dropkick on a bent over Garea! This was bad Garea who took the awful dropkick attempt, still got up 1st! I think they called this match in ring! Rivera did hit a beauty of an O'Connor roll for a two count! Finish came when Garea rolled thru a blind crossbody from the middle turnbuckle by Rivera! The ref took around 8 hours to count the three!....This was not stellar folks!...
     Match #2 The Invaders vs Mr Fuji and Tiger Chung Lee, God help me! HA Monsoon on cometary calls Fuji's salt ceremony "ominous" (Why) and I know times were different but it is a religous ritual do you reall wanna piss of your Asian fans?) The Invaders who I have never seen wrestle before that I can recall are dressed alike blue masks with blue pants are very quick and seem to be over well with the tough Grarden crowd! They have a very odd Gimmick The Invader on the apron will take spells of just springing over the top rope into the ring over and over! While this is funny it distracts the other Wrestlers, the ref, and the fans both live and watching on tape! The heels take controll after Chung Lee nails a high backdrop suplex/driver on the Invader and the crowd popped huge because it looked great! This became a match full of restholds and false comebacks! The match ended in a 20 minute time limit draw! Right in the middle of the Invaders comeback, Somebody mistimed something for sure! The match was nothing special but it was not awful!
   Match#3 Chief Jay Strongbow vs The Masked Superstar, A solid bout Simple story Chief kept trying for Superstar's mask who would stop him, Strowbow hit three good kneelifts and got Superstar down and went for the mask again! He puts the masked man in his patented sleeper hold. Superstag manages to turn into Strowbow shoot him off the ropes and catch him with a closeline. Strongbow takes a silly looking exaggerated "timber" bump and Superstar gets a 3 count! Ok until a cartoon finish!
     Match #4 Sgt Slaughter vs Ivan Putski I never thought i would say this about a match that involed Ivan Putski! This was the best match so far of this show! The crowd was very up for it, Slaughter got "juice" and took several of his crazy, for that era bumps! I have never seen Pu-tu-ski(as the "body"used to call him) look any better! He took actual bumps I was flabergasted!  It ended in a double countout with both guys fighting on the apron! The fought long after the bell! This was so much better than it had any right to be! At least 3 stars in my opinion!
Match 5 of the show sadly I coundn't find it Was Paul Orndoroff vs Salvatore Bellomo!

Tomorrow Part 2 It will cover a match that I think for good and bad changed the couse of wrestling history!


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