#1984WrestlingWarsBlog WWF MSG House Show part 2, 1/23/84 4 bouts!

Author's note: There was a little person tag match on this portion of the show I could not find. Commentators Monson and Patterson

Match #1 IC title match Champion Don Muraco vs Tito Santana A very easy match to review. In a 20 minute bout after a few stalemate lockups, Santana put on a headlock for basicly 15 minutes! Muraco only got out twice for a half a minute eace time! Finally after Muraco got the upperhand they had a 5 minute brawl,(at one point Captain Lou, Don's manager got in the ring and got involed and the ref didn't call for a DQ(very odd) Santana sends Albanio out of the ring the match continues for another minute and then the ref signals DQ! Somebody messed this up badly! The fight on the floor Muraco grabs his title and takes off! Strange bout One very long babyface rest hold, almost non-existant heat then what lookled like a botched finish!

Well here it is folks Hulk Hogan's WWF title match vs Champion The Iron Sheik! Long articles can, and have been written about this match and the impact it had then and still has over wrestling! This is the Moment Vince Jr empire began! I have a feeling that if you are reading this you have seen this bout many times. I will not go over it here in minute by minute detail. For all Hogan's critics(I have been one since  8 years old (1986, or as I like to say the age of reason!) he WAS MEGA WHITE HOT OVER HERE! Vince did pick the right man for leading the sports entertainment sea change in hogan! If you have never seen it watch it! It is vital to wrestling history!.
Match#3 Jummy Snuka vs Rene Goulet This match didn't matter to anybody the crowd, the commentators or even the guys in the match! Snuka wow with a high cross body from the top but nobody much noticed! The commentators spent the entire match talking about Hogan and the party in the dressing room! Snuka won the match got up never looking at the crowd and left! Afterward there was an interview in the locker room With Hogan and his parents! It was very sweet! His dad was in shock, but his mom said he was great for wrestling and wrestling was great for him! It was solid mic work! 
Match# 4 Johnson/Atlas/Andre vs The Samoans Basically the same match as the 8 man tag with Slaughter/Snuka two days previous in Philly! Samu took the big boot and the Giant sqaush to lose the match! 

Summary A very historic show,but not a great "workrate" show! Best Match Slaughter vs Putski(I cannot believe I just wrote that)! Worst Match for me Santana vs Muraco because those two could be awesome and that match was just nothing!


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