CMLL singles match, NJPW singles match, 1/6 All Japan TV 1/7

CMLL 1/6/84 Atlantis vs Expectro Jr.... 2-out-of-3-falls! Expectro comes out 1st and attacks Atlantis before the bell(damn Ruddo)! Atlantis gets thrown back in the ring, and the beating continues. I will admit Lucha is not my strongsuit and maybe this a cultural misunderstanding, But Atlantis sells the drubbing really odd. Expectro will hit a move and Atlantis will roll and flop around his feel selling like he has been zapped by a taser. Atlantis gets one flurry of offense but is stopped by a open handed chop to the back of the neck. Expectro gets a rather easy 1st fall victory with the classic Lucha curcifix pin...2nd fall Expectro works on taking the mask off Atlantis, Atlantis fires back up and tries to rip off Expectro's mask. By the looks of it what looks to me to be overselling is just what they do. Atlantis wins the fall when Expectro takes off his mask! He rolls around some more gets a towel put over his head and is rushed to the back by his second. So we are all even at one fall apiece but  Atlantis has done almost nothing the whole bout! 3rd fall... The action really picks up here. Atlantis starts the fall by attacking Exspectro and almost ripping the mask off his head. Atlantis goes for a crossbody Expectro ducks down and the Technico goes flying thru the ropes to the floor. He makes it back in the ring by hitting a beauty of a crossbody from the top rope for a two count. Expectro counters a victory roll atempt for a near fall. This got real good real fast! Finish comes as Expectro goes for a dive, but this time Atlantis ducks and the heel spills outside. Atlantis hits a running planca dive through the ropes to perfection!(if i had seen this in 1984 my head might have blown off!) Atlantis manages to get back in the ring in time to beat the ten count and win via countout! The 3rd fall was just great!

NJPW 1/6/84 Dynamite Kid vs Isamu Teranishi This a good solid hard hitting affair from the opening bell! Nietheir  man kept the advantage for a long period of time during the 13 minutes of action. The bout never really slowed a great deal. Teranishi took over early with kicks in the corner a body slam and ringing chops. Kid came back with his trademark headbutt. He put his Teranishi in a reverse chinlock. The fellow from Japan tried to get free several times but DK held strong. Untill Teranishi managed to get in position to stand and have DK in a fireman's carry and slam him down. I am going to resist going thru the bout move for move!, Watch it is a clinic on strong style work! Finish squence was simple but effective. Teranshi charges DK who backdrops him over the top rope, suplexes him back in then hits a jarring Saito high back suplex for the pin! 

AJPW TV 1/7/84 Giant Baba & The Great Kabuki vs Umanosuke Ueda & Goro Tsurumi ....We see Kabuki and Baba's full entrances! Kabuki with the nunchucks is still a sight from this long ago. The heels get the heat on Kabuki( well they sure as shit were not gonna get it on Baba)lol. Kabuki gets hit with a back suplex from the turnbuckles and kicks out a two! He manages to make the hot tag to Baba who cleans house(of course). He tags Kabuki right back in(a very quick recovery) who hits Goto with a cresent kick, Then he walks the middle rope and drives a chop inta a prone Goto's throat to get the pin! Kabuki and Ueda fight to the back while Baba just watches! The bout was just kinda there!
    #2 Tenryu& Tsuruda vs Kelly Kiniski and Steve O. A match in the 1984 Real World Tag League Tourney. A very good bout for what i think most fans would call two American Low-mid card guys! Just a couple notes on this match, Kelly's dad Gene Kiniski was a former NWA Champ in the 60's. In 1967 Kiniski had wrestled Baba on live tv and drew huge raitings. So the name had marquee value in Japan!(8/14/67) With all do respect Kiniski although he tried was a charisma black hole! Jumbo got the pin out of nowhere after one flying knee and a back suplex! He and Tenryu were super over! ..........Author's note There was a battle royal main event on this show, but because i could find no listing of the participants I will not review it here. 


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