Mid South Wrestling TV 1/21/84, All Japan TV 1/21/84

I know this is no surprise to any long time fan(as I am) but, Mid-South was great Wrestling TV! We start the show with Boyd Pierce and "Cowboy"Bill Watts deskside as they go back over the events that have lead to the fued between Mr Wrestling II and Magnum TA vs Jim Cornette's Midnight Express over the Mid-South Tag Titles! We go to a pre-tape were Watts and Cornette are looking back at the incedents! Watts tells Jimmy that at least former managers in the area like Akbar, Gary Hart or Rock Hunter were former tough wrestlers not rich pompous mama's boys like him! Cornette says Rich people dont have to sweat to get what they want!.. We then see a interview II and TA were doing that Jimmy interrupts they make fun of him and blow him off. Jimmy says your chicken and we will prove it! We Then go back over the tarring and feathering of Magnum last week, Jimmy says that is the funniest thing he has ever seen! Cowboy informs that he has been fined 5,000 dollars by Mid-South, Cornette says that is one phone call home to his mother and walks away! Watts looks around and says that, that man make you wanna BACKHAND HIM!....This was so great! Later in the show during an express tag bout II/TA join Boyd at the desk and he warns them that if they go to the ring they will each be fined 2,500 dollars by Mid-South! The midnights win and everything is fine untill they start to tar and feather a job guy after they beat him! II tries in vain to keep TA at the desk but he can take no more and runs in the ring. II joins him and they clean house!.....In other action Terry Taylor faced "Krusher"Darsow. Volkoff of course runs in and tries to hang Taylor with a noose after a double team Volkoff and Darsow manage to hang Taylor over the top rope for a few momets before Rick Rude and Brian Addias make the save! ....Brian Addias, Masao Ito and a very young looking "Nature Boy" Buddy Landell all debut with sqash match wins on this show(well Ito got DQ'd when he tried to choke rick Rude to death, but no big deal!!!) ,,,,All in all a stellar hour of tv!

All Japan TV 1/21/84  Match #1 Lizmark vs Ultra Seven....We join a pretty solid bout already in prgress! The Japanese fans have loved Lucha for many years and these men were great at it! Lizmark did sort of botch a springboard headscissior take over but he recoved quickly With a crossbody off the ropes to the outside. Then one on the inside to pick up the victory!
Match #2 Tenryu/Kabuki vs Michael Hayes and Stevo O(No disrespect to Steve but i saw this and i wanted to sing"Which one of these things is not like the other?"......This was in really a battle of cool entrances between Hayes"Freebird"Flag Waving and Kabuki's hooded green mist ninja display. Solid match with Hayes acting nuts all throughout! Finish comes as PS gets knocked outside to the floor after a Tenryu head kick and Kabuki hits Steve O with a stiff looking thrust kick and his judo chop to the throat!
Match #3 Jumbo Tsuruta vs Terry Gordy This is a classic big mean guy match. The bout does start out with both showing skill! It does get down to abrawl be the end! After Tsuruta hits Gordy with a second high backdrop suplex, Hayes launches a chair in the ring to break up the pin! Ref calls for a DQ and things go crazy for a bit! The Birds double team Jumbo. Tenryu comes out to save Tsuruta,then they double team him untill Kabuki shows up face covered doles out kicks and chops untill the boys from Badstreet hightail to the dressing room! If you love workrate AJPW is made for you!


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