NWA tag match, Charlotte NC 1/8/84, Georiga Championship Wrestling TV 1/7 and AWA tag match 1/8

NWA tag match, Charlotte NC, The Road Warriors vs Buzz Sawyer & Wahoo McDaniel. 1/8/84(Authors note the Youtube description on this link says it is a World Tag Team Championship Tourney bout, but I can find no evidence to back that up, if you can let me know!) This match only goes ten minutes but the crowd is into it huge and they are stiff as hell in the ring! Warriors come to the ring first(in Chaps no less) and taught the "Mad Dog" and the "Chief" coming down the aisle. Buzz and Wahoo slowly remove their gear exchange one look and climb in and start beating up muscle dudes in face paint! The warriors are sent outside and the fans loose thier minds! I remind you this is 15 seconds(Icounted) into the match! This crowd was fire, very few if anybody had done this to the Warriors in there short time on top! The faces send them to the floor again very fast as Buzz on hands and knees with Animal, bites him on the ear and when Hawk tries the save Wahoo just blisters him with a chop!... It settles down a bit as McDaniel and Hawk  do the test of strengh "spot". Hawk boots the Chief but after a few attemps Wahoo uses a head but and a picture perfect top wristlock to escape!(this was done so well that I said "wow" out loud the 1st time i saw it)! Warrios get the heat by Animal giving a knee in the back after a tag. Simple stuff done well. They work on the arm untill Wahoo arm drags himself free and tags Sawyer who cleans house. The LOD double team until McDaniel gets his breath back and then the brawl stars again. The ref gets thrown down, gets back up and Chief chops the shit out of him! The bell is sounded for the double DQ! The faces clean house, the LOD leave but still standing and this was maybe the best ten minute bout i have ever seen!

GCW 1/7/84 (note the 12/31/83 show is also on the Youtube link, but I not cover it in the review). A solid show with several competitive squash bouts, like Ted Dibiase vs Johnny Rich(trying to avenge his Cousin Tommy's loss to Dibiase in a looser leave town bout the previous week). A very good match between Tv Champion Jake Roberts and my favorie prelim wrestler ever Mike Jackson!....Lots of good fast promo's here bulding up both that night the 7th in Marietta GA, and for the 14th in the Omni! Lawler is built up as he is going to wrestle Roberts for the TV title on the 14th. The show a music video package of the Lawler vs Dundee looser leave town bout from 6/6/83 in Memphis! There is also a taped Joe Leduc interview as he will wrestle Buzz Sawyer that same night.(anybody have a time machine I can use to go to the Omni for this show?)....Paul Ellering also says that Ronnie Garvin has 2 weeks to come up with 35,000 thousand dollars if he wants a tv title match vs Roberts!....All around a good show!

AWA tag match Jesse Ventura and Mr Saito vs Kenny "sodbuster"Jay and Baron Von Raschke! A rare tv angle in the AWA here. We join in progress as "the Far-east-west connection have jobber Kenny jay hooked upside down in the corner beating on him. Baron comes in and puts his claw on the future leader of Minn. While the ref is tending to Jay Sadio gabs his "board" he uses for martial arts demo's and breaks it over Raschke bald dome. Baron gets juice, the crowd is loud they dont get this stuff on tv, Ventura puts Baron in his upside down backbreaker hold and Saito comes off with a "Judo"(apparently nobody had seen Judo in Minn in 1984!) chop knocking Raschke out Again I guess! Jim Brunzell comes out because he is friends with the German goosestepper(no kidding Baron never stopped doing this even when he was a "babyface"!!) The hells hit ole Jimmy B with salt and go to give him the same thing, but Greg Gagne Jimmy B's fellow "highflyer" comes out to make the save!...Longtime AWA figure head promoter Wally Karbo comes out after the ring is cleared to complain about the damn hippy rulebreaking heels(well almost)that bad. Ventura shows up and runns Karbo away, but he returns with Gagne. The heels leave and Greg says that they may have torn something in Von Raschke's throat with that dangerous weapon Judo. He and Brunzell want to fight Jessie and Saito.....Ken Resnick the interview plays this like he just saw an attempted murder in the ring! This was a well done angle but still came off sorta silly!


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