#1984WrestlingWars, Thoughts on the life of Memphis manager/historian Scott Bowden, Mid-south Tv the Last week of Feb 1984, Memphis Wrestling tv(Evansville Feed) 2/25/84., Mid-Atlantic Tv Title Tournament semi-final 2/25/84

We began today's blog on a somber note, with the passing of Memphis manager/historian Travis Scott Bowden. This one hit me very hard, Scott was like me a huge Memphis wrestling fan growing up! He saw his 1st live Memphis card the 1st week on January in 1977! He had incredible wit as a manager in USWA in the mid 90's only surpassed by his deep knowledge and love of the history of Memphis Wrestling! I feel like I lost a dear friend I never knew! This clip is Scott at his best! We love and miss you sir!...https://youtu.be/WUqrPdHveDY

Mid-South Wrestling The last Week of Feb 1984, A wild and wooly show this time around(most of them are) The big story the deepening of trouble between Mid-South tag champions Magnum TA and Mr. Wrestling II! Boyd Pierce and Jim Ross start the show by showing the TA Music Video from last week, Then we go to the ring for the contract signing of a future North American Title bout between Champion JYD and Number 1 contender Magnum TA. In the ring along with Ross are those two, with "matchmaker" Grizzly Smith and Mr. Wrestling II. Dog and TA both sign the contract and talk about how the match will be tough but fair! Then II pipes up and says Dog is a coward and picked TA to fight because he knew he could beat him! He says if JYD were to face him and be beaten he couldn't come out on tv and cry and whine! II goes on to say that he will put his mask and leaving Mid-south vs the North American title. TA tries to calm his mentor down and after II calls him nothing and worthless he slaps Ta and say he has no loyalty! Wrestling II walks out. JYD tells TA no man should treat him like that! Magnum almost in tears says that he cant let this title shot come between he and his coach and rips up the contract! He leaves JYD is stunned and Grizzly says he will have to speak to the board of directors! All that before the 1st add break! In other action Butch Reed beat Jimneidhart in a Mid-south tv tourney bout by hitting him in the throat with an "Object" Good sold bout.....Buddy Landell and Wendi Richter beat Lanny Poffo and Princess Victoria in a mixed tag match when Landell popped Victoria with a forearm shiver. (the crowd gasped).....and in a very "heel"move by a trio of Babyfaces Terry Taylor and the RNR Express attacked Khusher Darsow 3-on 1 in the middle of his match and Taylor painted him red,the color of the Russian flag! There were seveal squashes as well, all this in 43 minutes!....https://youtu.be/CV4O08XD7uM

Memphis Wrestling Tv(Evansville feed) 2/25/84! Well at least more happened this week than last week. As their was A Southern Heavyweight title bout with Champion Jerry Lawler meeting the Challenge of King Konga! Lawler was so adept at this kind of thing making a big "green" scary looking kid into a unstoppable "Monster" This match last 6 and a half minutes and for the 1st four of them Lawler had 0 offense that worked. Lawler punched he kicked and the "monster" just kept coming forward! Until Lawler pulled his strap down and the WMC studio blew! Konga hit the deck after five right hands, Lawler batters him a minute longer but as he goes to the top rope for his fist drop finish. The Zambuie Express (who like King Konga are managed in Flordia by JJ Dillion!) In a tremendous use of logic Jimmy Hart Sent his men out along with other heels to gaurd a bar both doors in the studio so Lawler was all alone!  The good guys try for minutes to get in when they finally break thru the crowd explodes again! ....There was an iconic, at least to me, piece of tape shown where Joe Leduc holds a car back and makes it's tires spin by just using his massive legs!...This was fantastic!... This so was a marked improvment over last week no doubt!   https://youtu.be/ZKomNo-FGKs

MACW Tv Title Tournament Semi-Final Dick Slater vs Greg Valentine This match does not need much descripion two tough hard nosed guys got in the ring and had a very believable fight for 9 minutes! Slater won by countout to advance but you like this match because of how these two work! No backup in 9 minutes!  https://youtu.be/os8AwfkUDFY


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