#1984WrestlingWars WCCW TV 1/28/84, 4 matches from Fort Worth Tx 1/30/84 WCCW

WCCW TV 1/28/84 Match #1 Buddy Roberts/Terry Gordy vs Kevin and Mike Von Erich(God help him he had no business in the ring) Lots of stuff on the line here, If a Freebird loses the fall he is gone from Texas for a year. If a Von Erich gets pinned Kevin is gone for a year(They say that Kevin put himsel up for the punishment because since Mike had just started it would not be fair to him to be out a year.(real reason nobody gave a damn about Mike yet!)...Plus if the Birds win P.S. Hayes can wrestle in Texas again! Both teams do pre-tape pre-match interviews Kevin talks the whole time, besides  Mike saying yep in the most timid wooden scared voice possible! I mean this it is difficult and sad for me to watch Mike wrestle!... This was Russo style way overbooked to the point of being silly! The match by in large was not bad! Mike threw two nice dropkicks and had a headlock on Buddy Roberts for several minutes. Gordy got in and appeared to beat the piss out of poor mike! The finish was so badly bothced by the camera crew it was hard to follow! Kevin gets the hot tag, but is cut off super fast! All four men get in, Ref Bronco Lubich goes down, Mike Von Erich gets fired out over the top rope, he gets hit on the floor by Santa(PS Hayes) in the costume!  While that is happening Gordy and Roberts beat up Kevin, a 2nd ref David Manning shows up to check on Bronco, Kevin pins Gordy clean as a sheet with a sunset flip! Santa gets in the ring beats up mike, kevin gets him in the chaos the Hayes  piledrives Mike a groggy Lubich counts that pin so we have a disputed finish. The two officals talk it over and declare the Von Erichs the winners! Did you get all that???...nope neitheir did I! I had to watch the finish three times!!! So Gordy is supposed to be gone but I smell a rat!
Match #2 Americas Heavyweight title match Champion Chris Adams vs Jimmy Garvin If Adams wins his Valet Sunshine gets 5 minutes in the ring with Precious! A solid match but it felt rushed! Garvin won the title back after he reversed an O'Connor roll with a pull of the tights! So no valet match but Sunshine does manages to take part of Precious's attire off of her after the match! https://youtu.be/dreFBmb7JGw

WCCW matches from Fort Worth TX 1/30/84

Match #1 Kimala vs JYD As you might guess Jack Brisco vs Dory Funk Jr this ain't but is served its purpose, Kimala looked ok and JYD was way way over! The match was glacier slow! With the "Uganda" import using the dreaded and feared DOUBLE UNDERNEATH THE ARM PIT NERVE HOLD, I thought if I shouted it in print it would be more exiting than it was to watch....  After JYD makes the comeback and has Kimala pinned after a clothesline, General Akbar's other crazy man The Missing Link flies in from the back gets on the top rope and hits dog from behind with a diving headbutt. The double team begins but soon comes to an abrupt halt as Link nails Kimala with a headbutt after JYD managed to escape his grasp. Dog beats a hasty retreat and Akbar and Friday Kimala's masked handler have to prevent the two oddballs from coming to blows.( I smell a Link/Kimala feud in the works...YAY....I guess! https://youtu.be/V9KJ8-g4sm4

Match #2 Ric Flair vs....wait for it.... exactly Mike Von Er…..Wait....oh dear God no....Erich! Flair did the old "You cant last with me ten minutes punk" thing here! This match proved 2 things we knew already but they are worth a mention here, One The Von Erichs were so over in Dallas/Ft Worth it bordered on ludicrous! Two Ric Flair could wrestle a very overwhelmed scared broom to a decent match! I will not beat a dead horse but poor Mike had no idea what to do! He would do a move Flair would sell his ass off and Mike would just stand there! Flair would wave him in to beat him up more! The champ was calling spots so loud the mics were picking it up! None of this was Mike's fault this is close to his 8th match in front of people and he has to go a heated 10 minutes with Ric Fucking Flair! Unreal! Screw whatever asshat booked this!...All that aside the fans loved it. When mike had Flair in the sleeper as the 10 minute time limit bell rang these people went bonkers! David came to the ring to cheer mike on mid match! Afterword  the other brothers rushed the ring to hug him! Knowing the gut wrenching tragedy that would soon begin, this scene was very touching! https://youtu.be/BfQzo56OQbU

Match #3 Six man tag team titles Von Erichs vs Freebirds(champions) Lots of stuff to digest in this wild affair. 1st the stipulations If the Freebirds win and retain, Gordy and Hayes are reinstated in TX to wrestle. If they lose both men are gone for a year. Secondly David Manning the referee grabs the house mic and says that The Birds attacked and laid out Kevin Von Erich in a dressing room fight. So he will be replaced with, bingo little brother Mike. He looked more at ease during this bout than any I ever saw him in to be fair! I assume his brothers being on the apron calmed him. The Birds say that Mike was not on the contract they signed so they take their six-man trophy and head out. Manning grabs the mike and says "it is the fault of you three that they needed a sub in the 1st place" so deal with it and they had a 20 count to get back in the ring or they lose the belts!....All this was spectacular stuff the crowd were white hot for all of it. Plus this took almost ten minutes and they hardly made contact!.....Match itself was good! After the birds got foiled at every turn to begin with. They got heat on David via double team as Gordy was decoy and while he drew everybody to him Hayes and Roberts repeatedly posted his leg and choked him out! David is writhing around the arena floor and his brothers gather around him like he may not survive! David manages to get back in ring and gets thoroughly shitkicked for his bravery! David somehow gets through Gordy's legs and makes the hot tag to a very fired up Mike! He lays waste to all three birds and gets Gordy hung up in the ropes! Gordy finally cuts him off and starts to just wreck the kid! He after several minutes tags Kerry who tags David. David charges at Gordy in the corner,Gordy moves. David smashes his injured knee on the turnbuckle.Gordy hurls David to the floor. His brothers gather around once more and he gets back in again. I never thought I would write this sentence, but this match had a genius "fuck finish"!...The Birds are whoopin up on David When from the back sprints bloodsoaked bandaged Kevin Von Erich with black bruised eyes! He is a lunatic here even punching his brother Mike in the face trying to get at the Freebirds! The ref has no recourse but to DQ the Von Erich's and award the bout to the Freebirds. Who by way of the victory still 6-man champs and are once again allowed to wrestle in the state of Texas! The heels win a stip that had to go away does, the fans are hot but it makes sense why Kevin lost it so they are not mad at him! It was those damn freebirds! This was well done by all! https://youtu.be/fhSXvhhlnsQ

Match #4 Chris Adams vs Jimmy Garvin Steel Cage Match Both men's valets are in the cage in their corners but aren't wrestling! Match was ok but odd they exchanged holds for the 1st 5 minutes of this grueling 11 minute contest!  A good old school cage match was by in large bloody and violent and short! Adams did bleed but this match was no crazy brawl! It didn't need the cage at all! After holds were exchanged, Adams bled pretty good after Garvin threw him into the cage several times! Then Adams made a comeback got cut off for a split second, hit a well timed super kick and pinned Jimmy dead center for 3 and the held up America's title! Post Match Garvin tried to get a bit of his heat back by throwing Adams out of the cage and holding Sunshine's arms so precious could slap her! Adams returns Sunshine feeds Precious some knuckle sandwiches the heels powder out and the crowd leaves happy!https://dai.ly/x4qn8r7 

A solid group of matches, Watch the 6-man it is a wrestling masterclass!


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