#1984WrestlingWars 2 AJPW bouts from 3/24/84, A Clip of a WWF title match from St. Louis, 3/25/84 An AWA tag bout from St. Paul 3/25/84

AWA World Heavyweight Title Bout. Champion Jumbo Tsuruta defends against former Champion Nick Bockweinkel! Tokyo 3/24/84 For me this was easily the best match of the three I have seen these men in while doing this blog! There was a "Fuck" finish but this time it made more sense!....It began slow has most great title matches should. With both men exchanging grinding side headlocks. Bockweinkel was the 1st to take real charge with a nice drop toe hold into grapevining one of Tsuruta's legs. This starts the match long focus of Bockweinkel working on Tsuruta's legs. Jumbo manages to grab Nick's head and work his way out of the hold into a side headlock. Bockweinkel fights to his feet and hits what I always think of as "The Flair knee or shin breaker" and slaps on another leg scissors. Keeping control of the younger mans legs(Tsuruta was 2 days away from he 33rd birthday here, Bockweinkel is a incredible 49 years old here! Let that sink in when you make noise getting up from the couch and like me get winded when you watch other people run!). Bocweinkel drapes Tsuruta's leg over the bottom rope and puts several jumping knees to his calf and ankle. We then go to one of my favorite submission holds, as Nick puts on an Indian Death lock! After a few moments Jumbo stuns with forearm blows that he makes it to the ropes. Tsuruta goes to the the floor and Bockweinkel stops him from getting back in several times. After a chop battle Jumbo fights his way back in and the intensity goes way up! Tsuruta hits his patented high knee, He puts a top wrist lock/arm bar on a seated Bockweinkel. Who trips Tsuruta and takes over again and tries to lock in a figurefore. Tsuruta holds the former champions leg up not allowing for the full pressure to be applied! That is how the next minutes are spent...... Until Jumbo hits his "Insugary and a stiff looking double arm suplex. Tsuruta continues the onslaught with a piledriver and the abdominal stretch. Bockweinkel and Tsuruta start to slug it out. Nick hits several knees to the stomach and his own piledriver. There is a double down spot. Both foes are feeling labored at this point. Both men land punches and Tsuruta falls through the bottom rope to the floor. After he returns to the ring Nick grabs him by the trunks a launches Jumbo forehead 1st into the referee. The ref is out Bockweinkel throws Jumbo to the floor and reaches over the barricade on a table at ringside and bashes Tsuruta in the head. The ref counts Tsuruta out and Bockweinkel wins. The brawl goes on though as they are pulled apart multiple times before finally being separated! I like this match as I said, much more than there previous two!...https://youtu.be/RVGdn1aRK-0

Match #2 PWF Heavyweight title bout. Champion Stan Hansen vs Giant Baba. The crowd was much hotter for this 10 minute bout than the half hour one posted above! As both men were announced streamers covered everything in sight. Before the bell Hansen threw the belt at Baba's head and went on the attack! Simple story here and a smart obvious one by Baba! Render Hansen's "Lariat" arm useless and by god he tried. After Baba Weathered Hansen opening beat down he went to work on that arm by trying to hyper extend the shoulder joint. Baba landed on it several times driving a screaming Hansen to the mat. He used the arm stretcher and the cross arm breaker! Hansen only took over for mere seconds before getting cut off! Baba countered a "Lariat" attempt by hitting a well executed drop toe hold. The fight spilled to the floor and Stan hit the ringpost with a ringing "Lariat" after Baba moved out of the way! The get back in the ring and Baba hits a chop that causes Hansen's "Lariat" to be tied in the ropes. Baba goes after it but will not stop when the ref asks for a break. After almost begging Baba to stop the referee is forced to call a DQ and ring the bell. They had another pull apart! the crowd was mega hit for this whole thing!....https://dai.ly/x615txv

A clip of a WWF title bout With Big John Studd facing Hulk Hogan. In Studd's corner his manager "Rowdy" Roddy Piper???.... The clip is under 5 minutes long but I included it for two reasons. number 1.It is a tittle match, 2. It is another step in the long history of Piper and Hogan a feud that helped define the company! We just see the closing minutes here as Piper pulls Studd out of the ring breaking up a pin! Causing Hogan to go to the floor and to be counted out of the ring! Hogan catches Piper throws him in the ring where Studd attacks and the double team happens Hogan makes his own comeback and the heels scurry away!....https://dai.ly/x2swo3s

The Fabulous Ones vs Jesse "The Body" Ventura and Jake "The Milkman" Millman. (I can't believe that sentence either) St. Paul Minn, 3/25/84! This is the Fabs St. Paul debut. Body gets on the house mic and says that he makes people great and that Jake the "Snake will start the match! The boys from Memphis thoroughly out wrestle Millman. Jesse ever the good coach is screaming from the corner "Don't You Let Me Down. When Jake slides out of the way of a corner charge by Steve Kiern. Ventura is happy to make the tag then. He is in charge until he misses a leg drop and Stan Lane makes the tag! Ventura makes the tag to Milliman who Keirn quickly pins after a forearm from the corner! This match was so damn odd!...https://youtu.be/hQeupWfZ0xI


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