#1984WrestlingWars All Japan Pro Wrestling TV, 4/14/84, Central States Wrestling TV 4/14/84

All Japan Pro Wrestling TV 4/14/84
 Match #1 Bruiser Brody and Stan Hansen vs Ashura Hara and Takashi Ishikawa. This was a stiff looking one-sided ass whopping by the Crazy Texas duo. In 7:45 Stan and Frank sold not one damn thing and safely but still with malice beat the piss out of Hara and Ishikawa At the finish Hansen's "Lariat" nearly ended Hara. While Brody hit his "King Kong knee drop for the pin! I am not breaking new ground here but good Lord, Hansen might be the most fear inducing tag team ever....HUSS.....YOUTH!!!

Match #2 Giant Baba and Dory Funk JR vs Tenryu and Jumbo Tsuruta. I know by 1984 Baba was not in his prime working years, but even with that this is dream contest for an old school purist like me.
     This was taped for tv the day before it aired. The next segment begins as we see Hansen/Brody coming back to the ring. In the other three corners are the two teams involved in the upcoming bout plus the team of Greg Gagne and Jim Brunzell. Lord James Blears the "president" of the PWF reads a proclamation. In it he says that from now until April 25 these 4 teams will wrestle each other and on the above date the winning team will be the new PWF tag team champions.
     While Blears is displaying the new title belt to every side of the ring Hansen goes over and starts a brawl with Tenryu and Tsuruta. This leads to bedlam with all four teams hitting anything that moves! They finally make Hanes and Brody go to the dressing room so this match can begin!
     This match while very interesting to watch is difficult to describe in any way which is not just a retelling of hold/counterhold spots! It very easy to get lost in the weeds if you start down that path. Plus you who read this(and I thank you so much)! Do not need or want to read moves being explained to you. You have eyes you can see! So that leaves me with explaining how the match was to watch. I loved the slow meaningful pace where everything done by everybody means something. Nobody controlled the match for more than a couple minutes at a time.

They went a full legit 30 minutes and it never got tedious or boring to me in any way, but is does feel like a match from 74 not 84 but with Legends like Baba and Funk that was there prime "Working"era so it makes sense!
     In short I loved this match I have watched it in full twice now. I would be very interested to see how younger fans or those brought up on a different style and pace, may or may not enjoy it!  https://youtu.be/47qVNuSJ9iw

Central States Wrestling TV 4/14/84 This week is the semi-finals and finals of the Central States Tag Team Tournament. 
     First up Ted and Jerry Oates vs "Crazy" Luke Graham and the One Man Gang! This was just ok. The ref older than a dirt clod Sonny Myers was so slow he muddled up the finish so it was confusing and fell flat! Gang inadvertently splashed his partner Crazy Luke after Jerry moves out of the way trying for a pin. Gang stumbles back to his feet as ted Hits him with a flying bodypress from the turnbuckles. Myers is so slow counting the pin I think gang kicked out but they acted like there was a three count! a very bad timed finish!
     Then in the middle of this super hot edge of your seat tag tournament we take time out to watch a 10 minute Ric Flair squash from Georgia tv...why? who knows this tv is so slap dashed together.
     Next match in the tourney Jim Duggan and Scott Ferris vs Wahoo McDaniel and Bruce/Butch Reed.  At the start of this match the announcer says that the winner of the match will face the Grapplers who got  a bye into the semi's. Two things here, One WHY??? Two Why is this the first time it is ever mentioned? It is kind of a big deal?...
     Scott Ferris takes a drubbing from the chief here who chops him near dead! Reed gives him a great press slam(big pop) and Wahoo hits a final chop to pin him! Duggan stayed on the apron and took one chop the whole match. After the loss he sprints in the ring beats up Reed and Wahoo bad mouths his partner and  tackles him through the ropes!
     Now to the semi final match Reed and McDaniel vs The Grapplers, This was the best match of the show. Wahoo was just great here. Here a chop, There a chop.....The Masked team finally does the "switch" spot and Grappler one uses his loaded boot on the chief. Wahoo blades for it. Then just as Grappler #1 is going for the pin Jim Duggan runs in and starts beating up the heels!...What the hell this is so damn stupid, five minutes ago literally on tv he was a mad angry heel now he is a face??? My head hurts! The Grapplers win via DQ because another heel ran in and hit them?...I need to lay down!!!.
     Main event time the finals of the tourney to crown new Central States tag champions. The grapplers, who I can't tell apart vs the Oates brothers, who I can't tell apart!....Yay???
     Match was again ok! Held down by another convoluted overbooked finish. The Grapplers use the switch and the loaded boot to get a pin. But then both Oates double team Grappler #1 and one holds him down as the other takes his boot off. Clamming to the referee that there is something in it. Promoter and legit president of the NWA comes to the ring talks to Ted and Jerry, shakes the boot looks bumfuzzled and says that the belts and the boot are held up pending a NWA board review! So after weeks of build we have...No tag champions! This territory is so damn weird!  https://youtu.be/IQqJnSzGC9E....


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