#1984WrestlingWars Championship Wrestling From Florida from the weekend of 4/7/84, Mid-South Wrestling TV for the 2nd week of April 84, Central States Wrestling TV 4/7/84

     Championship Wrestling from Florida, the weekend of 4/7/84. "The Dean"of wrestling announcers Gordon Solie welcomes us desk side with Buudy Colt, Barbara Clary and special guest Mike Rotunda.

The big story in this hour, so big they showed it twice in fact is the on going and escalating feud between The "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes and as Dusty often said "The Devil Himself" Kevin Sullivan! Dusty is over to talk to Gordon at the desk. Solie informs him that the NWA has sent legal word that this issue between Dusty and Sullivan must stop with all this mayhem must calm down or both will face possible suspention! That not only applies to Rhodes but his good friend "The Midnight Rider" as well. Dusty says they wanna talk about suspending him after what Sulivan had done recently....
     We go to arena footage of Dusty and Adrian Street vs Sullivan and Buzz Sawyer. (In case you dont know this blood fued began months back when they brought Dusty's "Sister" out to surprise him at a public signing for a worlds title bout vs Ric Flair. Sullivan rushed out during the celebration and threw "Ink" into the face of Dusty's sister....
     Now to this incedent As we join the match Adrian Street is face down on the apron as Dusty is getting double teamed mid ring. Adrian finally gets back up and joins the brawl. When they start to double team him however his valet and real wife "Miss Linda" can take no more and jumps in the ring and climbs on Sullivan's back. He quickly throws her off and picks her up and plants her with a shoulder breaker! (Linda was a legit badass she was no feeble valet i assure you) Dusty fights up knocks the heels down. He reaches down and scoops up Linda in his arms. As he is doing that Kevin Sulivan spins him around and hits the Dream right above the heart with his infamous "Golden Spike"! Dusty screams he falls, he drops a hurt Miss Linda beside him. Adrian drags himself back in the ring screaming looking horrified he clutches Linda on one side and cradles a bleeding quivering Dusty in his lap!  Other wrestlers come out with a stretcher and carry Dusty to the dressing room. All he can manage is a feeble whispered "He got my heart"! This was something!
     We go back to the desk were dusty is mad now he says After all Sullivan has done to he and his family and know this, he rips his shirt open to reval the 5 stitch scar he got near his heart, He does not give a damn what the NWA thinks and if they want him they know where he lives!....Solie is visibly shaken by thin and stunned into silence for several momets. He recovers and says while he can understand how Dusty must be feeling something must be done! A big hand to Solie for his sell job here!

Other action saw a hype video for a soon returning BlackJack Mulligan, A taped piece of Dusty Rhodes giving a speech to highschool students and Barbara Clary talking to a miami promoter. Sullivan wrestled and did a crazy promo that made not much since wile kissing a snake around his neck!....Black Bart and Karate expert Billy Graham had squash matches!...That Dusty Sullivan segment was outstanding!....https://youtu.be/NDqjUE6DXRs

Mid-South Wrestling TV for the second week of April 1984.....For Mid-south TV this was a fairly calm show. With only one minor angle! That took place in the closing moments of a very good tag match pitting the Rock N' Roll Express vs Buddy Landell and "Hacksaw" Butch Reed. Jim Cornette had come out to ringside early on during the match at was sitting at ringside taking notes on the RNR express. As the match broke down into a 4 way brawl in the ring Robert Gibson goes to hit the ropes on Cornette's side. But Jimmy being a no good rotten heel pulls down the top rope and Ole "hoot" Gibson spills to the floor! The women in the crowd scream as if a murder had been commited right in front of them. Meanwhile even though it is 2 on 1 now Butch Reed still uses "Brass Knuckles" behind the referee's back on Morton so Landell can get a 3 count! Because you see, heels cheat even when they dont need to!
……. Other action saw the Mid-South tag champs the Midnight Express have a back and forth competive jobber match with Jeff Young and the best underneath talent ever the Alabama Jr Heavyweight champion Mike Jackson!...Hacksaw Duggan beat the Russian invader. and several other squash matches!
     As I said a show really light on angles but good wrestling!....https://youtu.be/JhcUGtnXpxg  

Central States Wrestling TV 4/7/84
The big news today's show and next weeks program are going to cover the Central States Tag title tounament! 
     1st bout The Oates brothers (ted and Jerry) vs the odd team of Les Thorton and Roger Kirby! (Did they just pick that team out of a hat?) Solid match from for veterans as both Oates boys were at one point during the match in trouble! With classic heel distractions of the referee! The finish was a bit clunky as Jerry Oates Dropkicks Les Thorton face first into the turnbuckle. Les has to stand there "Dazed" and bent over while Jerry tags in Ted who hits a sunsetflip from the top to get the pin! Thorton had to stand bent way to long, not to mention all this was going on in front of Kirby who did nothing till to late! bad timming!!!
     " Crazy" Luke Graham and One Man Gang had no troube beating Dusty Wolfe and Tommy Rogers(Lane) very quicky.
     Next up a very good bout Buzz Tyler, Central States champion and Ron Richie battle the Grapplers! The Grapplers "Loaded Boot" Gimmick  and there switich behind the refs back were very over during this match and this crowd was inscensed by them! Buzz Tyler took a ass whoopin master class they beat and punched and gouched him to near powder! The crowd poped big when Richie finally made the tag but that was short lived as the grapplers used the loaded boot and the wrong man got the pin on Richie!
     Ric Flair and Harley Race both cut tremendous  promo's on each other about thier upcoming match in St. Louis! In other action Hacksaw Duggan and Scott Ferris avandanced in the tournament as did the strange but kinda scary duo of Wahoo Mcdaniel and Butch/Butch Reed! This show is always great wrestling but almost no angles!   https://youtu.be/frhLMVy8chU  


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