#1984WrestlingWars A match from Memphis Tenn, 4/2/84, A WCCW America's Heavyweight Title match Fortt Worth Tx,4/2/84 A WWF Tittle bout St. Louis, 4/6/84

Memphis Tenn, 3/2/84 Jimmy Valiant vs The Assassin. Hair vs Mask With Paul Jones(The Assassin's manager handcuffed to Jerry "the King" Lawler at ringside.

This was part of Valiant's "Boogie Jam 84" tour! Handsome Jimmy brought is long standing bitter rivalry with Jones and the Assassins to Memphis! Valiant worked on and off in the territory from about 75 until at least 1991! He was beloved in Memphis "Woo Mercy"!! ....The match was every Valiant match I have ever seen, and this crowd ate up every second of it! 
     Jimmy went wild early taking it to the floor and choking the masked man with the rope barricade around the ring and slamming him head first into a table at ringside. ...Meanwhile on the floor Every time Paul Jones rose up to pound the canvas Lawler would yank him back down in his seat. The heat came from Jimmy simply missing an elbow drop. The Assassin also loaded his mask and nailed Jimmy!
     The Assassin hooked in a bear hug for the heat! Lawler was great here pounding on the apron encouging "Handsome to escape, Plus threating Jones when he tried in vain to keep Lawler in his seat! The masked man got several near falls in a row and each time Lawler held his hands over his head in anguish. He did a better job "Selling" from the floor than eitheir man in the ring! 
     Assassin went to the top rope but missed a headbutt and Jimmy "Boggie"ed his way to a comeback. The finish was a easy one as Valliant threw the masked man into the ropes, he dropped down and the Assassin hit the top rope neck first. He stumbles back falls and Jimmy hits the "Boogie" Elbow for the pin clean as a sheet mid-ring!
     Jones tries to stop his man from removing his mask so Lawler punches him and he rolls outside. The Assassin leans through the ropes to stop the assault on his manager and Lawler zings him with a right knocking him out and allowing Jimmy to unmask him....it's a very young looking Hercules Hernandez under the hood. Nobody knew who he was at this point but the crowd was happy that the mask was off!   https://youtu.be/5UJzEyrpiVg   


A WCCW America's Heavyweight Title Match Fort Worth Tx 4/2/84. Champion "Gentleman" Chris Adams vs "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin. Both men exchanged holds early. With Garvin gaining clear early control. Garvin with such great heel work here, like when he has Adams down in a hammerlock screaming at Sunshine on the floor "I got him tonight baby"!  Adams spins out of the hold kicks Garvin off, but Jimmy hits a good deep arm drag and Adams is back where he was! Wrestling was so different in this era, example Adams would get to his feet and Garvin would pull his hair, to the blindside of the referee. Grown women would jump up at ringside and scream!  Garvin spent the 1st 6 minutes of this bout thoroughly out mat wrestling Adams in every way. Until Chris finally reverses a hammerlock and puts Garvin to the canvas. Garvin gets free and goes to the floor to get a "comfort" hug from Precious, the crowd pops big for this simple act of "unmanliness" and when Chris reaches between the ropes and messes with the hair of Jimmy and valet/wife the crowd pops big!  Garvin come back in takes a back drop and Adams puts on a rear chin lock.
     They do a great spot here, as you see Garvin still in the hold signal Precious who distracts David Manning the Referee and Garvin reaches up snatches Adams's hair and escapes the hold. That advantage is fleeting however. Chris puts on the reverse chinlock for a second time. The match to this point has been one big offensive move....resthold….Repeat! Garvin hits a nice vertical suplex but misses the follow up knee drop from the middle rope and Adams goes to work on the knee.
   The intensity goes up a notch has Addams tries a splash but Garvin gets his knees up. Garvin drops Adams neck over the top rope. When he attempts a pin Adams bridges up. Precious reaches in from the floor and tries to hold Adams leg down so he cannot escape and this is when all hell breaks loose!

Sunshine runs around the ring to stop Precious. While poor David Manning is trying his best to separate the cat fight leaning thru the ropes. Garvin has Addams pinned, Sunshine spots this and while Manning is yelling at Garvin's valet. Sunshine runs around to that side of the ring and reaches in and pulls Jimmy hair to break up the pin!  They continue to wrestle and lo and behold when the ladies go at it once more Manning this time moves Sunshine back to her corner. Allowing Precious to break up an Adams pin attempt by spraying him in the eyes with her "perfume" spray! He rolls around in pain and Garvin scoops him up and hits a back suplex as the ref turns and sees the pin! Three seconds later we have a new American Heavyweight Champion Jimmy Garvin!

This finish was utter chaos but well done chaos!....https://youtu.be/ONJz6LTrdgI   

Clips From a Steel Cage WWF World Title bout from St. Louis 4/6/84. Hulk Hogan defends against Big John Studd! They did this match no favors with the terrible edits they made here! The clip is 8:40 and a full 3 minutes is ring entrances! I gotta be honest here and say except for a couple exceptions WWF cage matches of the era were pretty damn bad! This was a bloodbath you can clearly see on the video where Studd "Gigged" himself! Hogan wins by kicking himself free of Studd and crawling out of the cage! The edit killed this bout I bet it was good live!....https://dai.ly/x2swo3v      


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