#1984WrestlingWars A NWA Mid-Atlantic TV Title bout 3/31/84 Mid South Wrestling Tv the last week of March/the 1st week of April 1984, Central States Wrestling TV 3/31/84!

NWA Mid-Atlantic World TV Tittle Bout. Champion Mark Youngblood vs Tully Blanchard with his manager Paul Jones..... These two had about the best under 7 minute match possible. For the opening three minutes Blanchard saw no daylight at all as Youngblood sent him to the floor after a flurry of offense 3 separate times. After the third time Blanchard got up on the apron behind the ringpost and as Youngblood climbed the turnbuckles on the inside to reach out and grab him. Tully hit him hard across the chest and Mark fell back getting his leg twisted and hung in the turnbuckles! This was very well executed! Blanchard put the boots to him while Mark was upside down and the tide of the match turned. Tully hits a front suplex. Mark makes his comeback by doing his "War Dance" and hitting chops. Blanchard begs off in the corner until Youngblood gets close enough that Tully grabs him by the front of his trunks and rams his face into the middle turnbuckle. Blanchard goes for a suplex, Mark slips behind him and hits a backslide for a near fall. Youngblood is distracted by Jones on the floor and Tully plants a knee into the small of his back. He goes for the pin, but Youngblood puts his foot over the bottom rope. Before the ref can see it Jones knocks it off the rope. We get a 3 count and your new Mid-Atlantic Tv Champ a very happy Tully Blanchard!....https://youtu.be/vKvR4CenLJk 

Mid-South Wrestling Tv For the last week of March/the 1st week of April 1984. We begin the show with Jim Ross joined at the announce desk by one James E Cornette who of course brags about what his Midnight Express did to "Cowboy" Bill Watts on last weeks program.  They then show tape of the party and the slap and then the attack on Watts last week in full. Watts has pretape with JR where he says sometimes a man has to take matters into his own hands! Ross tells Cornette that after the next ad break the Cowboy will be there for a special ringside interview, Jimmy says he has an appointment to call his mother!!!....You know what happens next Watts says there is 3 of them so he needed to find a partner for what he calls "The Last Stampede" So he and Ross went to North Carolina to talk to the JYD(who had promised the fans he would be gone 90  days due to losing a match with MR Wrestling II.) Watts and Ross find JYD in the woods on his property working out. Watts explains his problem and Dog wishes he could help but his word in his word! Watts is disappointed but understands and just as they are about to walk back to there car. Dog says you know old Stagger Lee might help but he says Dog  owes him money so he cant go find him! But he gives ross directions to his house. Ross has to find him wearing a blindfold! He does find him and Stagger agrees to be his partner if the money is right! Watts says that he will humiliate Cornette by making him wear a diaper and baby bottle or by making him wear his "mother's" pink dress after he and ole S lee beat the Midnight Express!....Was this segment hokey corny old school wrestling BS....yep!...did it draw money you bet your sweet ass it did! This was so damn silly and awesome!... In other action Mr. Wrestling II was supposed to wrestle Mike Jackson but TA took his place. II however refused to wrestle him and walked away even after Magnum slapped him twice!....Hacksaw Duggan wrestled Nikolai Volkoff for seemingly 10 seconds before his Comrade' ran in including a brand new masked man later identified as "the Russian Invader" During the brawl that developed Terry Taylor ran out to help, but he was pulled out the floor by Butch Reed his upcoming opponent,  in the next segment in their return TV title tournament bout from last week! Taylor turned the tables and managed to send Reed in the ringpost shoulder 1st! Reed was writhing in pain on the floor.....Reed comes out when announced with his arm in a sling. He says he cant wrestle put then pulls the Russians coal miner glove from underneath the shoulder sling and proceeds to beat the piss out of Taylor with it! When we come back from break Ross informs us that matchmaker Grizzly Smith has kicked Reed out of the tournament and gives the victory to Taylor! What a show!....https://youtu.be/O7SWVZFalaQ 

Central States Wrestling TV 3/31/84 If you like Wrestling heavy shows with long semi-squash matches Central States Wrestling is here for you! In the Main event Joined in Progress Crazy Luke Graham beat Bulldog Bob Brown in a match they could and probably did have in 74! Biting raking kicking stomping....That's it that's the match! Graham loaded his thumb and hit Bulldog to win the match. He kept the beating going post bell until Central States Champion Buzz Tyler made the save in his sock feet! The crowd seemed to enjoy this match, I have no idea why or how! Nothing else happened at all! It was not bad just kinda pointless! ….https://youtu.be/IMpkCKTvYt4 


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