#1984WrestlingWars A WCCW tag match, 4/6/84 Two Mid-south house show matces from Houston Tx, 4/6/84

A World Class Championship Wrestling tag team bout, 4/6/84 Andre The Giant and "Iceman" King Parsons vs The Super Destroyers.
     The video is overdubbed is Japanesse(rather badly, because you can still clearly hear Bill Mercer's voice.) Andre right away climbs in the ring and traps both Super D's in the corner and gives them three massive shoulder blocks. The get knocked down and take a powder on the floor. This match has all the classic "Andre spots" in it, like the heels running into his massive backside coming of the ropes! Then the Giant takes the counter boot on a backdrop attempt! he sells and the Super D's get heat on him for a very short time then he no sells and makes his own comeback. Hits a couple headbutts and tags in Parsons.
     Two shots to the gut and a shot to the throat and the heels turn the tide on "Iceman". The Super D's zero in on Parsons neck/throat every blow they land is in that area! Parsons has to fight up out of a reverse chinlock. He does escape and when one of the masked men miss a corner charge he tags the Giant in! Let the reckoning begin!
     Andre cleans up and he grabs Parsons off the top rope and throws him on top both Super Destroyers. As the three go crashing to the canvas. Kimala comes sprinting in the ring and attacks Andre while the masked team beat on Parsons. The referee of course, calls for the bell and declares a DQ. Your Winners Andre and Iceman! Andre sends Kimala packing with a chop and a huge headbutt. He also hurls one Super D out over the top rope. While Parsons disposes of the other one Andre gets the turban off the head of General Skandar Akbar the manager of the three heels. In a moment of celebration Andre and King polish each other's boots with the turban! The crowd is super happy about this match!....https://dai.ly/x5a51tc  

Mid-South/Houston house show 4/6/84

Match #1 North American Heavyweight Champion Mr. Wrestling II vs Magnum TA.
     Match starts with TA shining in every way possible. He out quicker than II, He out wrestles II he is stronger than II! There is a spot very early in the match where Wrestling II tries three times to shove TA off a headlock, but TA will not break his grip and II finally falls to his knees still trapped in the headlock and the crowd goes wild cheering and stomping! I have never seen that level of reaction off a headlock spot. II gets out of the deadlock by forcing TA down and sliding his knee off Magnum's cheekbone! Simple but nasty looking move! II takes short term control but when Magnum counters a side headlock into a head scissors the crowd cheers loudly once more! This Ta singles "push" worked folks!
     Wrestling II after several minutes escapes but takes a monkey flip and a stiff forearm shot to go stumbling out backwards thru the middle rope to the floor! II is great and selling this offense like he is a doddering old but tough man who is clearly outmatched, But his ego will not let him admit that!
     The willy veteran still has a trick or two though. He gets TA to chase him around rindside. Two slides in first and has Magnum steps through the ropes in hot pursuit he nails Magnum his ringing knee lift! The crowd "OHH's" that kneelift is super over.
     II grabs an armbar and drives TA down with in a version of what is know today as the Fujiwara Armbar. Ta fight out with forearms but Wrestling II counters Ta's corner charge with another knee lift and claps on a classic standing armbar.
     TA fights up and out of the hold by simply punching the utter hell out of II with a haymaker flurry. Magnum hits a nice dropkick for a near fall. He shoves to back in the corner and hammers down on him from the corner mount. The referee counts him down and reprimands him as he backs him away from II still in the corner. As this is happening Wrestling II puts something in his mask and when TA charges back in he is knocked silly with a headbutt. However as II goes to put the object back in his trunks he drops it on the canvas in full view of the referee who calls for the DQ. Magnum shakes off the headbutt as II is jawing with the ref and sends him outside with a final forearm. TA stands tall in the ring but II is still North American Champion!...https://youtu.be/TxHsl6Ya53Y  

Match #2 Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Terry Taylor vs Nikolai Volkoff and Krusher Khrusev!

Before the bell can ring to start the match the babyfaces send the heels out to the floor twice! The crowd loves this. The main story of the match is than Duggan wants to get his hands on Khrusev for knocking ole Hacksaw out with that coal miners glove. Khrusev avoids Duggan at all costs even getting off the apron when Duggan tries to make Volkoff tag. Duggan does finally get to the faux Russian and drives him to the floor to a cheering crowd!
     It takes two different double teams on Duggan for the heels to finally gain controll. Duggan gets to his corner and tags in Taylor. Who quickly takes over until that same double team fate befalls his as it had Duggan. The heat on Taylor lasts much longer as the even do the "he made the tag but the ref didn't see it" spot!
      Duggan just barges in and a four way breaks out. The end is a bit clunky however. While the ref is with Duggan and Khrusev in the corner Taylor has Volkoff pinned in the middle of the ring,....and this goes on way to long before Butch Reed comes out and football tackles Taylor from the ropes and places Volkoff on top. Plus it takes just as long for the referee to see Volkoff and count to three! ....The heels take advantage 3 on 2 untill more babyfaces come to the ring and the "bad guys" scurry away! Reed had to have missed his cue! this was not a good finish! ...https://youtu.be/y31noVwazV0 


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