#1984WrestlingWars A WCCW Tag match from Dallas, 4/15/84 Two AWA House Show matces from St. Paul 4/15/84

A World Class Championship Wrestling tag bout, from Dallas 4/15/84. Mike and Kevin Von Erich vs Hayes and Gordy. (this was taped for TV in Japan, Obviously)
     To begin I gotta say Hayes's trunks are a site to behold! They look like the bottoms of a set of Leopard Pajama's he got at a Spencer's Gifts!....Back to the match, Mike Von Erich is much better now than he was when he debuted, Poor man still has no business in a ring yet, if at all, though make no mistake.

The Birds have to get heat on Kevin so Mike can just come into clean up. I felt sorry for the Bad Street boys here because On one hand Mike was super limited. But Kevin(who is outstanding) works stiff as a board. It looks like a legit fight many times with Kevin! Mike does make the tag and hits a very nice, albeit a bit scary looking headscissors on Gordy.
     Meanwhile Hayes is in his corner bad mouthing Kevin on the other side of the ring. Kevin Shakes the ropes and Hayes somehow hurts his crotch, (the camera missed this, they were on a close up of Mike in the ring.) But the Japanese announcers start to laugh ang giggle at this spot. they seem genuinely to think this was funny.
     Kevin comes in after a tag and Hayes hits him with a clothesline. Gordy goes for his "Asiatic Spike" but Kevin moves and puts him in the Iron Claw! The people lose there minds ringside stands as one to cheer. Both teams trade control for a few minutes until it breaks down into all four in the ring at once! The Birds hit a reverse and send both Von Erich's boys crashing together mid-ring. Wile Mike and Hayes pair off. Gordy takes Kevin to the corner. Kevin counters a whip into the other corner. As Gordy stumbles back out to the middle Kevin cat quick jumps up the top and launches himself back on to a charging Gordy with a side body press and gets the pin! Kevin was so athletic and fast for this era!....Your winners to the cheers of a very happy Dallas crowd the Von Erichs!.....https://dai.ly/x5a93sz 

AWA house Show Minn/St. Paul 4/15/84
     BlackJack Mulligan vs Jerry Blackwell. We join the bout in progress, As Blackwell is failing to bodyslam Bray Wyatt's Grandpa. There really is not much to analyze/ go over in this 6 minute clip! Mulligan looks like a killer and Blackwell bumped his ass off considering his size! Blackwell gets very brief heat but then out of nowhere Mulligan begins to no sell Blackwell punches! Mulligan fires back and three different times he pulls Blackwell up at the two count. he hits him with a back drop and a flying back elbow and two lariat's before pinning Blackwell clean as a sheet in the middle. This must be the end of the feud and Jack has to be leaving the territory to bury Blackwell this way!(I do remember on Florida wrestling that week they did mention his upcoming return.) I guess Verne believed Blackwell was so far over that this would not hurt him!...https://youtu.be/q4ayFx0zfes 

Match #2 Rick Martel vs Nick Bockweinkel As with the last match we start this one JIP, We only 7 minutes here but it is seven worth watching! AWA crowds liked Wrestling so they were into this! Martel has an armbar applied and Bockweinkel drives him back in the corner and hits two forearm blows you can hear land. He whips Martel to the far corner, who counters the charge with a knee to the former chaps head. Martel hits a nice fireman's carry take over into the armbar. Nick fights up and they do a mid-ring collision double down spot you can hear smack.
     Martel starts to work on the back softening Bockweinkel for his Boston Crab finish. Dropping multiple elbows on Nick. He hits a back breaker then counters a hip toss into an abdominal stretch. Bockweinkel works his way to the ropes and gets them with the help of Bobby Heenan. Martell snatches Heenan allowing Bockweinkel to get behind and plants a knee in Martell's back. Rick manages to kick out at two. Then Martel gets launched  into referee Kenny "Sodbuster"Jay who hits the deck. Nick hits a piledriver but Jay is groggy and slow to count. Martel escapes at two. Bockweinkel stands and starts yelling at the ref allowing Martel to get him in an O'Connor roll for a flash 3 count! This was a great 7 minutes of action. Your winner Rick Martel!!! https://youtu.be/H2qNzU7MFOw 


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