#1984WrestlingWars, WWF Wrestling at the Chase(St.Louis Market) 4/21/84. Central states Wrestling TV 4/21/84

  WWF Wrestling At The Chase, (St. Louis Market) 4/21/84 I stuggled all day with how to do this entry. I have very little to report or say about this show. I must tell you nothing happened of much merit beyond two really great intense Roddy Piper promo's that bookend the show. WWF had held a card in St.louis the night before this show aired and of course all the promo's were taped weeks in advance. Piper had wrestled Jimmy Snuka to a DQ on that show and it was announced that on the show in May there would be a return bout with special guest referee Lou Thez. Roddy's promos were spectacular as he was energetic but crazed and just seemed nuts!
     They had longtime St. Louis Announcer Larry Matysik introduce the show with a green screen backdrop. The WWF had taken over the time slot on KPLR channel 11 late in 1983.Wrestling started airing there in 1959! Vince took a mega loyal high rated fanbase and time slot in a huge market that had been one of the flagship shows of wrestling around the world for 24 years and killed it dead in 8 months! 
This was squash match central here no angles no in ring or beside the ring promo's! Example the best match on this show given the most time. Spike Huber vs Dennis Stamp. (yes that Dennis Stamp!) The whole thing made me sad! https://youtu.be/NG_wpvmYWKM 

Central States Wrestling TV 4/21/84 Kansas City was dying a slow painful death in 84. If you need proof sit through this show if you can.(I barley did!) How bad??....Well the best thing on the show was a tape shown of Ric Flair having a squash match on Georiga Champioship Wrestling from late 83! Yes a five month old squash from another territory's tv was head and shoulders the best thing on this show.

If that's not bad enough they also reaired a Brody Vs Kimala match from earlier in the year I have already reviewed for this blog! 
     There was a Tom "Boogaloo" Shaft handicapped match. Where the two job guys couldn't get along! (I feel like Cornette watching Joey Ryan dick flips an a constant loop, viewing this trainwreck)! Tommy Rogers(soon to be Lane of the Rock N Roll RPM's had a ok match with TG Stone so there's that.
Main event was a Central States Heavyweight title bout between Champion Buzz Tyler and "Crazy Luke Graham....Why oh merciful God Why???
     This was so slow it was outrun by a 600 year old turtle riding on a glacier waiting to be picked up by an elderly man wearing a 50 pound boulder strapped to his back!

It was bloody and did I mention slow! It ended in a double countout! What!!! why? Nietheir man wanted to lose face at the retirement home they live in?....I hate being this negative but I will report what I see!.....https://youtu.be/MYDc7qRIr78 


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