3 Bouts from World Class Champioship Wrestling Ft. Worth Tx 1/2/84

Match #1 "Iceman" King Parsons vs The Super Destroyer. Parsons Jumps Super D before ring introductions sending a very scared looking ring announcer scurring away. Joe Rinelli if you care(and since you are reading this you must!) was the ring announcer. Super D #1 takes a powder outside. The Super Destroyers were the Irwin brothers, Bill and Scott under masks. The were managed by Gen Skandor Akbar as part of his famed Devestation Inc stable.....Parsons hits two beautiful dropkicks in the early going and works over the left arm. Super D gets the heat by dodging a kick of Iceman's while trying to counter a backdrop out of the corner. Every bit of Super D's offense was punching kicking choking or two reverse chin locks! At least the crowd was into it, much more than me i'm afraid! Parsons makes his firey comeback after D misses a knee corner charge. With minutes left in the 15 minute bout, Super D spills to the outside and has his partner comes over to check on him, from inside the ring Parsons grabs the wrong one! Oh No! LOL He gets in and starts rapid fire punches to the tummy. Then Parsons wraps him up in an awful looking small package(he doesn't come close to hooking eithier foot, this looks very bad) and gets the pin! Both Super D's attack after the bell. Brian Adias Parsons tag partner shows up and the heels make a hasty retreat. The finish was clunky as hell,but i gotta say the crowd loved this!

Match #2 Kerry Von Erich and Chris Adams vs Jimmy Garvin and The Missing Link! The thing was a crowd pleasing utter mess! The segment begins with a good Garvin in ring interview Complaning that World Class has "held up" HIS Americas Heavyweight title after a victory against Adams last night, Why?....simple they are Jealous! Precious his valet(also his legit wife Patty) threatens to rip Sunshine(Adams female valet) a new place in which waste will be able to leave her body!...Solid promo here! Segment ends when Adams comes out and he and Sunshine clear out the ring. .....We come back from break and the match begins, As I said above this was a mess, Punchy kicky gougey galore. After about 8 very long minutes the ref calls for the bell for....reasons?....I guess i went back and watched this over and Missing Link had been in the ring while not the legal man forever but so had Kerry! I have no idea, yes i do i think they booked a match and never bothered with a finish!  The babyfaces win and those dasturdly heels ran away! YEAH WRESTLING! Watch this for the promo if nothing else!

Match #3 Andre the Giant vs Kimala This was a comedy bout, pure and simply, but a well done comedy bout! Kamala waited in the ring for a long time waiting on the giant! Andre comes in hits Kimala, he flees. ...Repeat several times that is pretty much it really. Andre did his self tie in the ropes spot. When he got out he choked Kimala hard for a long time! I have heard/read rumors over the years that Andre did not like Kimala and he sure looked stiff here! Akbar gets in the ring Andre throws Kimala into him. Ref calls for the DQ, Andre gets hit from behind and goes down. He makes his own comeback cleans house grabs the pith helmet off Friday's(Kimala's ever present masked handler)head and smashes Kimala in the face with it for good measure. The heels run away Andre puts the helmet on the head of Ref David Manning and the crowd goes home a bit drunk(Texas 84 no doubt) and happy!


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