A World Class Championship Wrestling "Spot"show, from Greenville Texas 1/12/84

These four bouts were all shot via handheld camcorder a real gem to see! Greenville is about 50 miles Northeast of Dallas/Fort Worth. I have no idea how many people were at the show, but just by hearing and seeing thier reactions to things, they made me love wrestling all over again! They were magnificent!

Match #1 The Missing Link vs Johnny Mantell. Mantell comes out 1st and the fans are 4 rows deep standing at ringside to get his autograph! The ring annoucer warns fans to stay on the floor to keep them from climbing on the apron!....Basic match as Johnny uses speed to thwart Link several times at the start. Once link takes a nice dropkick and rolls to the floor the next time Link teeters stomach 1st over the ropes before spilling outside! Link finally manages to hit a headbutt and take over. After a few more headutts a few in the crowd start to yell, "Go Johnny Go" and within mere seconds the entire buliding is doing it! Mantell hits a nice knee lift as a backdrop counter to start the comback. He hits a flying bodypress for a near fall. When he goes for it again Link catches him drives him down with a powerslam. Goes up top and hits his diving headbutt for the 3 count!,,,,

Match #2 Iceman King Parsons vs The Super Destroyer.....Very simple basic match, but from the moment "We are Family" starts over the PA and Parsons comes Jukin to the ring these people are in it all the way! At every turn to start the heel looks like a fool and this crowd loves it! Super D gets the heat when he holds on to the ropes avoiding a dropkick and Parsons crashes and burns. We then get seval long reverse chinlock-fight back up heel pull the tights "spots" Where fans loudly scream Ref he pulled his trunks! Iceman makes his comeback but it is very short as Super D goes for a backdrop Parsons counters with a inside cradle(a bad one at that) and gets the pin! The exact same finish they had on TV the week before from Fort Worth!....The fans do not care they BY GOD LOVED THIS!

Author's Note: Kevin Von Erich wrestled Buddy Roberts but a great deal of the match, from almost the second Roberts got the heat is cut out. Plus you can tell Von Erich won but not really how(I think it may have been a jackknife cover after shaking Roberts from the top but that is pure guess!) The Von Erich's were Texas Gods and the crowd went fully to thier church!...On a side note this match has maybe the best/weirdest crowd insult I have ever heard, As Buddy Roberts is stretching pre- match a lady yells "I hope you cramp up!!!

Match #4 "Gentlemen" Chris Adams Vs "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin.... Simply Story the crowd wanted Garvin dead! ....Sunshine and Precious get into it as the match starts and although the video does not show it I believe Precious was removed from ringside via ref order! (this makes sense when you consider two things, She was very new to wrestling at this time and being a hated heel, With security almost being a non-factor at the show(there was one oder guy i saw that was it) she may not have felt safe!(I do not blame her!..... Adams outwrestled Garvin in every way,but once Jimmy got control with all his preening and struting he was a fabulous heat magnet heel here!....Finish was simple Garvin went for a backdrop Adams leapfroged and hit his SuperKick for a victory and a super happy crowd!

This show is a great example of a dying if not dead art form. The territory spot show, every territory did them they took place in school gyms and VFW halls sponsered by the Jaycees or the high school band boosters! It was a key piece in every area's survival!


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