Maple Leaf Gardens TV 1/21/84, A WWf tag bout from the Philly Spectrum and a WWF title match 1/21/84n

Maple Leaf Gardens TV 1/21/84 This was an odd, flat really tired feeling show. I know Toronto was kind of neutral ground during the budding war between Vince and Crockett, but with things in that state instead of feeling fresh and new this show feels like an utter afterthought! Old well known veteran wrestler Billy Red Lyons does commentary over matches clearly taped for Mid-Atlantic Wrestling from God knows when(except for the last match and I will get to that and go off in a minute trust me). I like Billy Red doing play-by-play with Monsoon from MLG on prime time wrestling as a kid. He was however not giving two shits about any of the matches! I love move description commentary(I have done commentary quite a few times for indy groups  here in my home state of Kentucky and it is what I like to do! Make it seem sports based. But Billy red here drones on and on in a monotone and then will say nothing at all for what feels like hours! Plus the production here felt ICW low rent! They showed a promo from Jimmy Valiant wearing a Santa hat whishing everybody a Merry Christmas, this show aired Jan 21a full month later! Way to let everybody in the largest market in Canada they are not top priority! They spent the whole show selling a card for the next day(the 22nd at MLG! The card sounds really good, The Kay Brothers vs "Buzzsaw" Johnny Weaver(what the hell) and Mike Rotundo, Leo Burke vs Roddy Piper(for the Toronto version of the tv title) Don Kernodle vs Tito Santana and Main event 10 foot high steel cage Canadian Heavyweight title bout Champ SGT Slaughter vs Angelo Mosca, I  would pay to see that card!......The only bright spots in this show were A great Piper promo on Burke and his Rat Pack,(Burke Kernodle and the Kay brothers) Saying he had special Rat collars made for the four of them! This was crazy intense yet somehow believable promo(I think this was Piper's real gift, you believed him).Mosca does a good heel promo behind the cage talking about Sarge being scared of him!....The other bright spot was a very good tag match with Dick Slater/Bob Orton vs Terry Gibbs and Bret Hart! ….The Kay brothers did a promo that I could barley understand!....The show finishes in a completely different location, it looks like a half empty elementary school gym or a church basement! Why you ask no damn idea! I think mostly nobody gave a shit! As the mush mouth Kay brothers beat a young talented kid who looked real good here in a very short time named Bickhouse Brown and your shop teacher a guy named Bob Marcus!....I have written so much more than this turd of a show deserves! Watch the Piper promo and well if you enjoy trainwrecks! (Author's note Burke beat Piper by DQ, The Kay Brothers won their bout, Santana beat Kernodle And Mosca beat Slaughter in the cage match!) thanks to

A WWF 8 man tag match, Andre/Snuka/Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas face Afa Sika Samu and Sgt Slaughter! From the Philly Spectrum 1/21/84. The video link for the bout is in German! The ten minutes we see on the video is a wild chaos filled mess, but it is fun! Andre drills the  Samoans heads together at the start. The Samoans always "no sell the head bonk, but for Andre the fall like bowling pins! 1st fall ends with a clean heel win. The foursome trap Johnson in their corner and bead the hell out of him. Andre tries to run in but the ref stops him and after one more headbutt the heels are up 1-0. Second fall breaks down into a everybody in brawl. Andre slams Samu, Lets Snuka climb on his massive shoulders and hits a beauty of a crossbody on Samu when he gets up and turns around!  (I don't think he wanted to take a prone Superfly Splash from Andre's shoulders,who can blame him! 3rd fall is quick, 8 man smoze again and almost missed on camera, Andre sits on poor Samu for the three count!

WWF Title Bout Champion The Iron Sheik vs Tito Santana, ( I had never seen this before today! These Philly fans wanted Sheik's head on a pike!Good thing for Sheik he only kept the belt a month they may have killed him otherwise! This was a good contest it had MEGAHEAT and two great workers! it felt a bit rushed but otherwise solid! Santana won via DQ after Sheik grabbed a chair brought it in the ring, Ref Danny Davis stood on the chair to stop the attack. The champion pushes him down hard, Santana wrestles the chair away from Sheik the ref stops him. Santana nails Sheik with his flying forearm and as he goes for the pin, at that moment Davis calls for the bell(huh)? Davis came off as A 1. massive heel or 2. a HUGE ASSHOLE!....But on the bright side the match was good!, your winner and still champ(not for long though) The Iron Sheik!


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