Mid-South Wrestling TV, All Japan Pro Wrestling TV 1/14.84

Mid South TV 1/14/84 What a packed crazy this was! Jim Ross and Bill Watts welcome us to the show at the desk and that is it for calm for most of this show. We begin with a looking back at a segment from the previous week's show. Where Russian "Sympathizer" Khusher Darsow and Nikolai Volkoff are in the ring saying they want American competition. Like Hacksaw Duggan or JYD! Well young upstart Terry Taylor answers the call and says that the Russians ask for guys the know just wrestled and who are getting dressed after taking showers. He says he will fight Volkoff has a proud patriot. Volkoff sucker punches him and we have a match! A very quick one as it happens. Comrade Volkoff overpowers Taylor but avoids a charge in the corner and counters with what I have always called the "Jack Brisco roll/sunset flip out of the corner to get a surprise flash pin!...Taylor wrestles a singles match next as we return to this week. He gets a quick win but Darsow and Volkoff try to attack him from behind, Duggan and JYD show up and run the heels away thus paying Taylor back for defending American honor the week prior! Mid-South is often talked about in glowing terms about their storylines. This is a perfect example, In 2 segments Terry Taylor got the "rub"from two popular babyfaces and is made to look like a top guy!, really well done!
  In other big news Magnum TA and Mr Wrestling 2(the Mid-South Tag Team Champions were attacked and "Humiliated" By Jim Cornette and his Midnight Express.,,,, 2 and TA are in the ring ready to wrestle and Jimmy comes down and climbs in the ring and says He has told the people that II and TA were chicken and he and his mama's money were going to prove it. The two prelim guys that II and TA were going to wrestle Attack Magnum from behind while on the other side of the ring Bobby Eaton runs out and attacks II!  As the masked fan favorite is fighting off Eaton, Dennis Condry comes in from behind and naills him with a "Slapjack"! II is out cold on the apron. Meanwhile TA sends the job guys packing, Eaton sneaks up on Ta from behind and they hit him with a move from the top to knock him out! Then as the hell team has his feet and hands, Jimmy goes into a bag he brought in the ring! He comes out with a jar of(honey???) and smears it on Magnum then brings out a (goose???) feather pillow and covers TA! A tar and feathering has been done and the crowd is appauld, so are Ross and Watts! Later in the show II and TA have a interview at ringside. Ta still has feathers all over him and cuts a fire filled promo threating bodily harm to the Express! This was a tremendous angle! So well done by everybody!....Other action saw squash wins for The Express, and Butch Reed! Khrusher Darsow beat Dr Death Steve Williams thanks to an object passed to him by comrade Volkoff!..A action packed show for sure!

All Japan TV 1/17/84
Match #1 Great Kubuki and Magic Dragon vs Goro Tsurumi and Gypsy Joe(wearing a mustache by the way, 1st time seeing the old grizzled bastard wear one!)... Not much to it really, we get the full Kabuki enterance,as we did lask week. It is the best part of the act no doubt. At one point in the match Gypsy Joe brings a chair in the ring and uses it for several minutes. The ref just stands there like this is normal! The heel eventually throw the chair back outside on thier own!(What???) Match ends with Kabuki rope walk judo thrust to a prone Goto(again a repeat of last week)! ....and because it's Gypsy Joe he has to take 6,yes 6 unprotected chair shots to the head post match!
Match #2 Ishikawa/Tenryu vs The Freebirds(Hayes and Gordy) Every the freebirds walk to the ring with "Freebird" playing I get chills! Hayes was trying to act crazy though out the contest. Ramming his own head into the turnbuckle over and over at the start of the match and having "crazy eyes" for every closeup. The crowd had no idea what to make of him! Gordy was just himself a head on raw boned ass whippin machine! They had Ishikawa in for a good potion of the bout so they kept an advantage! Tenryu got the tag and ran wild for a minute Until the birds manage to double suplex him. Gordy then hit an assisted powerbomb on Ishikawa for the pin! When Gordy left the ring the crowd scattered!
Match 3 NWA International title bout Champion Jumbo Tsuruta vs Steve O This was a good solid 15 minute bout and the 4,100 who paid to see it liked it! That being said Steve O although a good worker was never going to beat Jumbo! Tsuruta won with his high backdrop/suplex in convincing fashion!


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