WWF tag match, AWA TV(ST.Louis version)1/14/84 AWA tag bout 1/15/84

1/14/84WWF Tag Match Hulk Hogan/Bob Backlund vs Mr Fuji/Tiger Chung Lee! Just looking at these four competitors you might think you know how this match might go....and you would be correct! This match is worth posting purely for seeing Hogan doing a pre-match one man ringside promo While Bob stands there! Hogan says Backlund puts off so much electricity it psyches Hogan out? What the actual hell does that mean! This promo was utter nonsense but by god Hogan sold it!.... Fuji and Lee were cannon fodder. Lee took the leg drop for the soon to be champ and it was done!

AWA TV, St. Louis feed 1/14/84 I have no idea what to say, nothing important happened for the entire 43 minutes of this show! Great interviews from Bockweinkel/and Ventura and Jerry Blackwell hyping a joint NWA/AWA show at the Kiel in St.Louis on Feb 3rd! that is it besides a bunch of average squash matches!

AWA Tag bout 1/15/84 Nick Bockweinkel/BlackJack Mulligan vs The Crusher and "Mad Dog" Vachon! Before the match we get a pre tape promo from Florida with Gordon Solie and Mulligan! By far the best thing I saw today, as Mulligan puts down Minnesota, praises Texas and says he has been paid will by Bockweinkel/Heenan to hurt people and that he has no fear of Mad dog! ….. 11 thousand people saw this card(courtesy of Wrestlingdata.com a tremendous resource!) This was just a damn crazy 11 minute pier 6 brawl! No wrestling but loads of punching stomping eye rakes and fingernails down backs! The story of the match was Blackjack Lanza Mulligan's former partner jumps up on the apron and talks to Mulligan. Who after this little chat refuses to take the tag from Bockweinkel, he walks off with Lanza! Nick is piledriven by Vachon and Crusher pins him after his big bolo punch finisher! I assume this was a face turn for Mulligan....The 11000 in attendance sure as hell loved it! This was a fun angle to watch!


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