#1984WrestlingWars An AWA title bout 4/19/84. Mid-south Wrestling TV, the forth week of April 1984

An AWA Title bout, 4/19/84. Champion Jumbo Tsuruta vs Greg Gagne.
     This is as classic a style for a World's Championship as it gets! Lots of great holds counter/ recounters throughout!  The two men shake hands before the bell and the crowd claps. This is why I love Wrestling from Japan, such respect given by everyone.
     The crowd is chanting for Tsuruta right from the start. Jumbo hooks Gagne in a standing Surfboard hold early and Greg tries several times to escape. Before finally reversing the maneuver and now applying the hold to Jumbo. Tsuruta makes it to the corner forcing a break.
     They do a "test of strength" and as you might expect, Tsuruta goes out on top with a arm wringer and forces Gagne to the mat! Tsuruta works his position into an attempt at his double arm supplex, Gagne manages to block it and again force a rope break.
     When they tie up again Greg gets a leg dive in and stretches Jumbo's hip and hamstring then clamps down on an inside toe hold. Gagne focuses on the legs at this point. As Tsuruta manages to push him off in the ropes, Gagne does a cartwheel to avoid Jumbo hits a drop kick, grabs the leg again and applies the "Indian Death Lock" this time. After several minutes Tsuruta manages a counter by slipping Gagne's leg between his he turns it into a modified figure four. He works from that into a Boston crab. This match has been "Mat tech" perfect thus far.
     Gagne counters out and both men come up again to lock up collar and elbow, but you can see the pace starting to slow both men. Gagne hits a second leg dive, but Tsuruta quickly reverses out of the toe hold with one of his own to take over once again. They exchange leg/toe holds again until Gagne hits a nice flying headscissors to take the champion back to the mat. After some time when Tsuruta escapes with a stiff chop and a face wash to Gagne. The wrestling potion of the match is done and now it gets rough. Man do they pick up the pace.
     Both men exchange hard blows until Jumbo hits his vaunted flying high knee sending Greg sprawling out over the top rope. Gagne grabs Tsuruta's leg and drags him to the floor. Gagne countering Jumbo, sends him shoulder first to the ring post. As Tsuruta gets back in the ring Gagne starts to beat the hell out of that arm/shoulder! Gagne hits two dropkicks but Tsuruta gets his foot on the ropes to stop the pinfall.  Tusuruta goes for his back suplex but Gagne blocks it. Jumbo then applies the Abdominal Stretch. Gagne hip locks out of that. Tsuruta tries a vertical suplex but is unable to left Gagne because of the injury to him arm. Gagne hits a suplex then locks on the "Gagne Sleeper"! Tsuruta breaks the hold twice. On the third attempt he whips Greg to the ropes Gagne hits a shoulder tackle, then as he springs off a second time Tsuruta catches him and hits a backbreaker. Gagne drapes his foot over the ropes at the two count but the referee fails to see it and counts the three and awards the bout to Tsuruta!...
    I hate this finish,I understand why you do it booking wise, Gagne can go back stateside and say the home country referee is A crooked or B stupid. But this was not executed well at all the crowd was confused there was no pop at all! A real shame as well because the match had been pretty good till this soft finish! https://youtu.be/-NEW1jsv_4w  


Mid-South Wrestling TV, the fourth week of April 1984.
     This was the wildest week of Mid south TV I have seen/covered yet for this blog. We begin the show with Terry Taylor alongside Jim Ross at the announce desk. They let us know that on today's show there will be a Mid-South Tag Title bout between the Midnight/and RNR Expresses. We spend the 1st 15 minutes of the show, however recapping Taylor getting jumped by Butch Reed and subsequently losing the Mid-south Tv Tourney final to Khrusher Kruschev. This explains why he is sporting a neck brace. Ross is really going overboard here talking about Taylor's guts and courage!
    Before we go to break the Midnight Express comes to the desk and says they want to postpone today's bout because Jim Cornette is not there! Ross says to bad the match will go on anyway.
     Coming as a shock to no one who knows these teams this match is very good. Nothing spectacular here but these two teams just knew how to put together matches that you want to see. The bout eventually breaks down into a for way. While the referee is distracted Morton has Eaton pinned with an O'Connor roll! A very ugly woman gets in the ring and bashes Morton in the skull with a purse! The ref calls for the bell and Gibson manages to pull the wig off the "lady" and of course it is Cornette! This leads Ross to many times making reference to Cornette finally "coming out of the closet" I know it was 1984 but this made me cringe! The official looks in the purse and there is a large rock in there!....This got heat believe me!!!
      Also in the show Krusher Kruschev defends his newly won Tv belt vs Hacksaw Duggan! They have a good solid back in forth match until Duggan hits a top rope football tackle and mounts Kruschev and starts to pound away until Volkoff runs in(late I might add they had to wait for a few long moments for him to hit the ring). He gloms Duggan with that coal miner's glove the Russians carry. Taylor at the desk can take no more, but before he can climb in the ring Butch Reed runs out and from behind attacks. Removing Taylor's neck brace and posting him twice! Taylor is writhing on the floor. Meanwhile in the ring, The Russians have gotten a pair of clippers out and shave half the beard off ole Hacksaw! The rest of the babyface locker room empties  and the heels run away in triumph!....This was wonderful utter chaos!
     Plus Masao Ito made another job guy bleed from the mouth. And Mr. Wrestling III attacked Stagger Lee while Lee was facing Mr. Wrestling II! 
    This show was crazy busy and packed a very good hour indeed!....https://youtu.be/LDSgsDJPp1Y... 



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