
Showing posts from March, 2020

#1984WrestlingWarsBlog WWF MSG House Show part 2, 1/23/84 4 bouts!

Author's note: There was a little person tag match on this portion of the show I could not find. Commentators Monson and Patterson Match #1 IC title match Champion Don Muraco vs Tito Santana A very easy match to review. In a 20 minute bout after a few stalemate lockups, Santana put on a headlock for basicly 15 minutes! Muraco only got out twice for a half a minute eace time! Finally after Muraco got the upperhand they had a 5 minute brawl,(at one point Captain Lou, Don's manager got in the ring and got involed and the ref didn't call for a DQ(very odd) Santana sends Albanio out of the ring the match continues for another minute and then the ref signals DQ! Somebody messed this up badly! The fight on the floor Muraco grabs his title and takes off! Strange bout One very long babyface rest hold, almost non-existant heat then what lookled like a botched finish! Well here it is folks Hulk Hogan's WWF title match vs Champion The Iron Sheik! Long articles can, and have bee

#1984WrestlingWarsBlog MSG House show 1/23/84 Part 1

MSG House Show 1/23/84 Part 1 Commentators Pat Patterson and Gorilla Monsoon  Match #1 Tony Garea vs Jose Luis Rivera The opening match in front of a crowd of 26,282 in the garden.(not counting all the folks downstairs at The Felt Forum Watching via Closed Circut)! They tried to give the card a mat based face vs face opener! I gotta be honest it was not the best I have seen fron eithier man! It was clunky and badly timed in spots! There was one nice squence early on. A multiple headlock takeover escape repeat spot that was very good! However there was also a spot Were Garea was going for a backdrop and I assume Rivera got his wires crossed and tried a dropkick on a bent over Garea! This was bad Garea who took the awful dropkick attempt, still got up 1st! I think they called this match in ring! Rivera did hit a beauty of an O'Connor roll for a two count! Finish came when Garea rolled thru a blind crossbody from the middle turnbuckle by Rivera! The ref took around 8 hours to count

#1984WrestlingWarsBlog, 2 bouts from Mid-Atlantic Wrestling TV 1/21/84, WWF singles bout,122/84, AJPW tag match 1/22/84

Mid-Atlantic Wrestling TV 1/21/84.....Match#1 The Assassins vs Rufus R Jones and Dory Funk JR,(the most random mis-matched tag team ever??) Very basic tv match but good crowd heat After JR makes the "hot"(In the very broadest sense of the term this was more lumbering luke warm tag.) He hits simple shoulder tackles(Johnny Weaver at ringside screams the Freight Train..The Freight Train). Rufus gets double teamed then and throw outside. Where off camera Paul Jones does "something to him..? By the time the camera gets there Paul Jones, the manager of the Assassins,  is smiling walking away and poor Rufus is in a heap on the floor. Meanwhile JR is getting just beat down by a double team in the ring. Out of nowhere Jimmy Valiant hits the ring,a longtime nemesis of Paul Jones army, Chashes Jones around the ring. Then in it, He lays waste to both masked villians then rips the mask off of one of thier heads! Paul Jones grabs this one covers his face with his coat and the heels ta

Maple Leaf Gardens TV 1/21/84, A WWf tag bout from the Philly Spectrum and a WWF title match 1/21/84n

Maple Leaf Gardens TV 1/21/84 This was an odd, flat really tired feeling show. I know Toronto was kind of neutral ground during the budding war between Vince and Crockett, but with things in that state instead of feeling fresh and new this show feels like an utter afterthought! Old well known veteran wrestler Billy Red Lyons does commentary over matches clearly taped for Mid-Atlantic Wrestling from God knows when(except for the last match and I will get to that and go off in a minute trust me). I like Billy Red doing play-by-play with Monsoon from MLG on prime time wrestling as a kid. He was however not giving two shits about any of the matches! I love move description commentary(I have done commentary quite a few times for indy groups  here in my home state of Kentucky and it is what I like to do! Make it seem sports based. But Billy red here drones on and on in a monotone and then will say nothing at all for what feels like hours! Plus the production here felt ICW low rent! They show

Mid South Wrestling TV 1/21/84, All Japan TV 1/21/84

I know this is no surprise to any long time fan(as I am) but, Mid-South was great Wrestling TV! We start the show with Boyd Pierce and "Cowboy"Bill Watts deskside as they go back over the events that have lead to the fued between Mr Wrestling II and Magnum TA vs Jim Cornette's Midnight Express over the Mid-South Tag Titles! We go to a pre-tape were Watts and Cornette are looking back at the incedents! Watts tells Jimmy that at least former managers in the area like Akbar, Gary Hart or Rock Hunter were former tough wrestlers not rich pompous mama's boys like him! Cornette says Rich people dont have to sweat to get what they want!.. We then see a interview II and TA were doing that Jimmy interrupts they make fun of him and blow him off. Jimmy says your chicken and we will prove it! We Then go back over the tarring and feathering of Magnum last week, Jimmy says that is the funniest thing he has ever seen! Cowboy informs that he has been fined 5,000 dollars by Mid-South,

WWF tag match, AWA TV(ST.Louis version)1/14/84 AWA tag bout 1/15/84

1/14/84WWF Tag Match Hulk Hogan/Bob Backlund vs Mr Fuji/Tiger Chung Lee! Just looking at these four competitors you might think you know how this match might go....and you would be correct! This match is worth posting purely for seeing Hogan doing a pre-match one man ringside promo While Bob stands there! Hogan says Backlund puts off so much electricity it psyches Hogan out? What the actual hell does that mean! This promo was utter nonsense but by god Hogan sold it!.... Fuji and Lee were cannon fodder. Lee took the leg drop for the soon to be champ and it was done! AWA TV, St. Louis feed 1/14/84 I have no idea what to say, nothing important happened for the entire 43 minutes of this show! Great interviews from Bockweinkel/and Ventura and Jerry Blackwell hyping a joint NWA/AWA show at the Kiel in St.Louis on Feb 3rd! that is it besides a bunch of average squash matches! AWA Tag bout 1/15/84 Nick Bockweinkel/BlackJack Mulligan vs The Crusher and "Mad Dog" Vachon! Before the

Mid-South Wrestling TV, All Japan Pro Wrestling TV 1/14.84

Mid South TV 1/14/84 What a packed crazy this was! Jim Ross and Bill Watts welcome us to the show at the desk and that is it for calm for most of this show. We begin with a looking back at a segment from the previous week's show. Where Russian "Sympathizer" Khusher Darsow and Nikolai Volkoff are in the ring saying they want American competition. Like Hacksaw Duggan or JYD! Well young upstart Terry Taylor answers the call and says that the Russians ask for guys the know just wrestled and who are getting dressed after taking showers. He says he will fight Volkoff has a proud patriot. Volkoff sucker punches him and we have a match! A very quick one as it happens. Comrade Volkoff overpowers Taylor but avoids a charge in the corner and counters with what I have always called the "Jack Brisco roll/sunset flip out of the corner to get a surprise flash pin!...Taylor wrestles a singles match next as we return to this week. He gets a quick win but Darsow and Volkoff try to att

A World Class Championship Wrestling "Spot"show, from Greenville Texas 1/12/84

These four bouts were all shot via handheld camcorder a real gem to see! Greenville is about 50 miles Northeast of Dallas/Fort Worth. I have no idea how many people were at the show, but just by hearing and seeing thier reactions to things, they made me love wrestling all over again! They were magnificent! Match #1 The Missing Link vs Johnny Mantell. Mantell comes out 1st and the fans are 4 rows deep standing at ringside to get his autograph! The ring annoucer warns fans to stay on the floor to keep them from climbing on the apron!....Basic match as Johnny uses speed to thwart Link several times at the start. Once link takes a nice dropkick and rolls to the floor the next time Link teeters stomach 1st over the ropes before spilling outside! Link finally manages to hit a headbutt and take over. After a few more headutts a few in the crowd start to yell, "Go Johnny Go" and within mere seconds the entire buliding is doing it! Mantell hits a nice knee lift as a backdrop counter

NWA tag match, Charlotte NC 1/8/84, Georiga Championship Wrestling TV 1/7 and AWA tag match 1/8

NWA tag match, Charlotte NC, The Road Warriors vs Buzz Sawyer & Wahoo McDaniel. 1/8/84(Authors note the Youtube description on this link says it is a World Tag Team Championship Tourney bout, but I can find no evidence to back that up, if you can let me know!) This match only goes ten minutes but the crowd is into it huge and they are stiff as hell in the ring! Warriors come to the ring first(in Chaps no less) and taught the "Mad Dog" and the "Chief" coming down the aisle. Buzz and Wahoo slowly remove their gear exchange one look and climb in and start beating up muscle dudes in face paint! The warriors are sent outside and the fans loose thier minds! I remind you this is 15 seconds(Icounted) into the match! This crowd was fire, very few if anybody had done this to the Warriors in there short time on top! The faces send them to the floor again very fast as Buzz on hands and knees with Animal, bites him on the ear and when Hawk tries the save Wahoo just blisters

2 bouts From WWF Championship Wrestling,1/7/84, Central States Wrestling 1/7/84

WWF Championship Wrestling 1/7/84 Dr. D vs Steve Lombardi....This is the good Doctor Schultz debut with the promotion....More important historically however is his mouthpiece/manager also debuting "Rowdy" Roddy Piper! ….Both ring announcer Jim Hill and Mean Gene on commentary refer to the future "Brawler" as Lombardo, not Lombardi he is facing Dr. D here! Not much to the quick squash besides the fact that Schultz looks to almost kill poor Steve with a walk the 2nd rope flying elbow finish!....Piper cuts a terrific post match promo going on about how young and tough they are!...... Match 2 Bob Backlund Vs Samoan #3(Fatu) Coming to the ring with him were the other 2 Samoans AFA and Sika and that timid shrinking flower Captain Louis Albano! Backlund senses very early that he is outnumbered and in some trouble, so he goes to the dressing room and returns with a returning/debuting Hulk Hogan. This crowd lost their damn minds! I don't believe I had ever seen this

All Japan TV (January 7th, 1984) #1984WrestlingWars


Dynamite Kid vs. Isamu Teranishi (01.06.1984) #1984WrestlingWars


Atlantis vs. Espectro Jr. (1/6/1984) #1984WrestlingWars


CMLL singles match, NJPW singles match, 1/6 All Japan TV 1/7

CMLL 1/6/84 Atlantis vs Expectro Jr.... 2-out-of-3-falls! Expectro comes out 1st and attacks Atlantis before the bell(damn Ruddo)! Atlantis gets thrown back in the ring, and the beating continues. I will admit Lucha is not my strongsuit and maybe this a cultural misunderstanding, But Atlantis sells the drubbing really odd. Expectro will hit a move and Atlantis will roll and flop around his feel selling like he has been zapped by a taser. Atlantis gets one flurry of offense but is stopped by a open handed chop to the back of the neck. Expectro gets a rather easy 1st fall victory with the classic Lucha curcifix pin...2nd fall Expectro works on taking the mask off Atlantis, Atlantis fires back up and tries to rip off Expectro's mask. By the looks of it what looks to me to be overselling is just what they do. Atlantis wins the fall when Expectro takes off his mask! He rolls around some more gets a towel put over his head and is rushed to the back by his second. So we are all even at o

Andre the Giant vs Kamala 1/2/84 Ft Worth


Kerry Von Erich & Chris Adams vs Jimmy Garvin & Missing Link


Iceman Parsons vs Super Destroyer #1 1/2/84


3 Bouts from World Class Champioship Wrestling Ft. Worth Tx 1/2/84

Match #1 "Iceman" King Parsons vs The Super Destroyer. Parsons Jumps Super D before ring introductions sending a very scared looking ring announcer scurring away. Joe Rinelli if you care(and since you are reading this you must!) was the ring announcer. Super D #1 takes a powder outside. The Super Destroyers were the Irwin brothers, Bill and Scott under masks. The were managed by Gen Skandor Akbar as part of his famed Devestation Inc stable.....Parsons hits two beautiful dropkicks in the early going and works over the left arm. Super D gets the heat by dodging a kick of Iceman's while trying to counter a backdrop out of the corner. Every bit of Super D's offense was punching kicking choking or two reverse chin locks! At least the crowd was into it, much more than me i'm afraid! Parsons makes his firey comeback after D misses a knee corner charge. With minutes left in the 15 minute bout, Super D spills to the outside and has his partner comes over to check on him, f

AWA World Heavyweight Championship 1984/01/01 St. Paul, MN


Hulk Hogan in action Wrestling at the Chase Jan 1st, 1984


1-1/84 2 WWF squash bouts from St. Louis, AWA title bout,

Match #1 Rocky Johnson & Tony Atlas vs Jerry Valliant and Dennis Stamp(Yes that Dennis Stamp)!......Taped at the famed Chase in St.Louis After Vince took over the KPLR time slot. Very basic tag squash here as the reigning tag champs look ok against 2 upper-mid card job guys! Atlas got the pin after a nice press slam splash combo on Stamp! #2 Hulk Hogan vs Bill Dixon Hogan wearing his soon to be legendary yellow ensemble! By commentary alone you can tell Hogan is on a rocketship push to the moon! To be fair 95% of the fans cheer like crazy for him! Hogan chain wrestled and did an arm stretcher here did not expect that! #3 AWA World Title Bout Champion Nick Bockweinkel vs Jerry Lawler Memphis Tenn. In front of 7,829 very loud fans! I will not give a move by move account of this match, it would seem boring in the telling but here are the high points!.... They wrestled for 35- to 40 minutes(14 of them are on Youtube) This was how a classic territory title bout was done! The Champio